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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: November 2022

State three features of an effective poster.

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Questions List:

1. State three factors to consider when choosing a channel of communication.
2. List four ways in which a sender may ensure clarity when communicating orally.
3. State three features of an effective poster.
4. State three factors a secretary should consider when preparing for a meeting.
5. List three reasons for conducting exit interviews in an organization.
6. List three circumstances under which a report may be presented orally.
7. State four reasons why an audience should maintain eye contact with a presenter during speech delivery.
8. State three ways in which a receiver should answer an official telephone call in the office.
9. List three ways of encouraging upward communication in an organization.
10. State three reasons why information communication technology is used to communicate in organizations.
11. You work as the Sales Assistant at Mazuri Company Limited. It has been noted that the sales of building materials have declined significantly over the last three months. You have been asked by the Chief Executive Officer to investigate the matter and write a report. Assume that you have completed the investigations and write the report.
12. Ziwa Company Limited intends to launch a new soap in a month's time. As the Assistant Manager, write a letter to your distributors informing them about the launch.
13. Explain four reasons for conducting job selection interviews.
14. Explain three reasons why one should be diplomatic when communicating.
15. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. The Kenyan real estate market has grown over the past two decades. This is demonstrated by its contribution to the country’s domestic product (GDP) which grew from 10.5% in 2000 to 13.8% in 2016. The growth was driven by factors such as improved roads, utility connections, upgrade of key airports and rapid urbanization. These factor
16. Outline five uses of minutes of a meeting.