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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: November 2016

State three instances when electronic mail may be used to pass information.

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Questions List:

1. List three types of minutes that may be written in a meeting.
2. State four factors which may cause inaccurate interpretation of a message.
3. List three roles of inter-departmental communication in an organization.
4. State three instances when electronic mail may be used to pass information.
5. Outline three reasons for conducting exit interviews.
6. State three advantages of using several data collection methods when writing a report.
7. List four uses of visual aids when delivering a speech.
8. State three reasons why it is important for the listener to maintain eye contact with the speaker.
9. Outline three instances when a map may be used in company reports.
10. List three ways in which information communication technology increases effectiveness in communication.
11. The proprietor of Mali Hotel Limited has noted that the firm has been experiencing booking cancellations over the last six months. As the Operations Officer, you have been asked to investigate the matter and write a report. Assume that you have completed the investigation and write the report.
12. Tech Publishers recently received a complaint letter from City High School for failing to deliver text books on time. As the Public Relations Officer of Tech Publishers, write an apology letter.
13. Peak Limited is intending to hold a meeting for all its junior staff in two weeks' time. Outline four activities that a secretary may undertake to make the meeting successful.
14. Jamii Welfare Group will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 9 months' time. As the group's chairperson, prepare the speech you will deliver during the occasion.
15. Describe four organizational barriers that may hinder effective flow of information.
16. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. Fraud is the act of deceiving a person or an organization with the intention of getting financial or personal gain. It has become a very common occurrence in the world today. According to a survey conducted on online payments, millions of people are defrauded each year. Online payments are fast gaining acceptance due to speedy