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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: July 2023

List three guidelines that should be followed when writing formal reports.

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Questions List:

1. State three measures that a speaker may take to prevent forgetfulness when passing information orally.
2. State four aspects of an organization that a candidate should be aware of when preparing for a job interview.
3. List four factors that may contribute to the lack of quorum in a meeting.
4. List three factors that may lead to lack of feedback from juniors in the communication process.
5. State three functions of external communication.
6. List three reasons why an organization may write a circular letter to its customers.
7. List three functions of non-verbal communication.
8. State three ways of making pie charts effective as visual aids.
9. List three factors that may contribute to high uptake of technology in an organization.
10. List three guidelines that should be followed when writing formal reports.
11. Explain four strategies that a sender may adopt to minimize technical barriers when communicating.
12. Benta Limited will be conducting its annual general meeting and 1,000 shareholders are invited. Explain four challenges that may be experienced when conducting the meeting.
13. Ms Karat prefers using oral communication to disseminate information to employees. Explain three reasons for such preference.
14. The employees of Sura Limited have been on strike for the last four days. Consequently, the firm cannot complete its projects on time. As the Office Assistant, write an apology letter to your clients.
15. The management of Watalii Game Park has noted that the number of tourists visiting the park has been declining for the last few years. As the Assistant Administrator, you have been asked to investigate the matter and write a report. Assume you have completed the investigations and write the report.
16. . Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. The government of Kenya has banned the importation of second-hand trucks. The ban is a move to promote local vehicle assembly and create more jobs. It also aims to cut the number of old vehicles on the country's roads in the wake of the war against harmful emissions. Data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics shows that