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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: July 2021

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Climate change is no longer a hidden phenomenon. It is happening globally and there is enough scientific evidence to this effect. The shifting rainfall patterns, including the increased intensity of the El Nino and La Nina phenomena, and the rising temperatures that bring about erratic occurrences of tropical storms and drought, are evidence of changing weather patterns. The changes portend damaging after-effects, yet they are p driven by human activity.
Kenya is extremely vulnerable to changes of climate because its economy is largely dependent on rainfall. For example, crop production and livestock keeping rely heavily on rain. Given that population, erratic weather poses a threat to food security which is already a major problem in the country. Besides, agricultural produce forms the bulk of Kenya's exports. Bad weather conditions have drastically reduced agricultural exports resulting in lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and less foreign exchange.
agriculture supports about 75 per cent of Com
In addition, Kenya is heavily reliant on hydro-electric power, a sustainable source of renewable energy. Long spells of drought greatly affect hydro-electric power generation. Further, climate change has affected tourism negatively. Tourism, a major foreign exchange.earner, is a highly sensitive industry since climate change affects a wide range of environmental resources. For example, changes in rainfall patterns cause grass levels to either increase or decrease, thus causing migration or death of wildlife. This has led to a reduction in wildlife population and extinction of some species, thus affecting the number of tourists visiting Kenya.
The predicted global impact of climate change is believed to be more intense in tropical areas, where Kenya lies, than in temperate zones. For instance, it is expected that global food production needs to increase by a minimum of 50 to 70 per cent by 2050 because the population is projected to rise to 9.6 billion from the present 7 billion. On the other hand, lenient predictions forecast that global crop yields will decline by about 15 per cent per decade if appropriate climate adaptation is not put in place. These effects foretell a distressing future if efforts are not made to make agriculture climate-smart. While increased agricultural productivity is vital to addressing the predictions of global food production shortfalls, the same agriculture contributes to emission of the greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. In fact, it is estimated that agriculture contributes about 30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. This calls for an urgent need to aggressively adopt Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).
CSA is aimed at achieving what is termed as triple wins. These include sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes since agriculture is the backbone of the Kenyan economy. It also includes adapting agricultural systems, building resilience to climate change and reducing greenhouse emissions. CSA has given rise to the Kenyan Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP); a government initiative supported by the World Bank that is being implemented in 24 counties.
KCSAP performs several functions. One such function is to strengthen climate-smart This supports the development, validation and adoption of seeds to boost the agricultural sector. KCSAP is also concerned with scaling up climate- smart agricultural practices by financing interventions that promote and facilitate improved agricultural technologies, innovations and management practices. This is aimed at achieving increased productivity, enhanced resilience and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
KCSAP further supports agro-weather, market climate and advisory services by financing the development of agro-weather forecasting and marketing information systems. Besides, it finances activities related to national and county project coordination and management such as annual work plans and budgets. In addition, it has an emergency contingency response which involves financing recovery efforts from natural and man-made disasters such as desert locust control.
Although Kenya has faced considerable challenges in responding to climate change, some farmers have made significant adjustments in farming practices. It is, therefore, hoped that individual and government initiatives such as KCSAP will cushion farmers, and the nation at large, from food insecurity. More importantly, it is anticipated that the agricultural sector will be boosted as the backbone of the economy.
Adapted from: "Daily Nation" Saturday, February 29, 2020.
a) State the meaning of each of the following words and phrase as used in the passage:
(i) erratic;
(ii) drastically;
(iii) a wide range of;
(iv) backbone;
(v) man-made.
b) Highlight, according to the passage, why Kenya is extremely vulnerable to changes in climate.
c) In about 110 words, and according to the passage, write a summary on the functions of KCSAP.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State four situations that may prompt managers to convene meetings in an organization.
2. State three ways in which an interviewee should conduct himself when responding to questions during an interview.
3. List four barriers to effective oral communication.
4. State two messages that may be relayed through a hug.
5. List three qualities of a good report.
6. State four advantages that an organization may get by communicating to its customers through WhatsApp.
7. List three uses of personal information in a resume.
8. State three advantages of using visual aids when communicating.
9. List three reasons why the receiver of a message may fail to give feedback.
10. State three roles of internal communication in an organization.
11. Student enrolment at Sololo Technical College has been declining over the past two years. As the Assistant Administrator, you have been requested by the Board to investigate the matter and write a report making recommendations. Assume you have completed your investigation and write the report.
12. The company you work for recently conducted interviews for the post of Office Assistant. Mr. Saidi Kome was ranked the best candidate during the interviews. As the Personnel Officer, write a letter to Mr. Saidi offering him the job.
13. Outline three challenges that may be faced when conducting an online meeting.
14. Explain four organizational barriers that may lead to ineffective communication.
15. Describe the following types of interviews that may be conducted in an organization: i) Appraisal; (ii) Selection; (iii) Promotion; (iv) Exit.
16. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. Climate change is no longer a hidden phenomenon. It is happening globally and there is enough scientific evidence to this effect. The shifting rainfall patterns, including the increased intensity of the El Nino and La Nina phenomena, and the rising temperatures that bring about erratic occurrences of tropical storms and drought, are

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