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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: July 2018

Explain four ways in which advancement in technology has enhanced effectiveness of communication in organizations.

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Questions List:

1. List three aspects of interpersonal communication which may indicate formal relations between the sender and the receiver.
2. State three uses of feedback to the sender of a message.
3. List three components of a grammatically correct sentence.
4. Outline four sections of a curriculum vitae.
5. List four types of meetings that may be held in an organization.
6. Outline three functions of an appraisal interview in an organization.
7. State three items that may be included in the preliminary pages of a long report.
8. State three ways in which a speaker may enhance the understanding of a speech.
9. State two limitations of non-verbal communication.
10. List four advantages of using visual communication when making a presentation.
11. Explain four ways in which advancement in technology has enhanced effectiveness of communication in organizations.
12. Describe four external stakeholders with whom an organization may communicate.
13. The organization you work for as an administrative assistant has been receiving negative media publicity over the last three months. You have been asked by the management to investigate the issue. Assume that you have completed your investigation and write a report incorporating recommendations.
14. You work as the Logistics Manager at Brandon Limited. Lately, the firm which provides you with cleaning services has been doing a poor job. Write a complaint letter to the management of the firm.
15. Outline three reasons why organizations hold meetings.
16. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow it. Kenya is one of the few countries in the world that is endowed with different climatic conditions, ranging from temperate climate to tropical deserts and all the conditions in-between. This means that the country has everything it needs to guarantee food security for its citizens. Despite this, Kenya faces food insecurity. The