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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Communication Skills past paper: July 2017

Outline three advantages of written reports.

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Questions List:

1. List three items that must be contained in the agenda of an Annual General Meeting.
2. State three features of appraisal interviews.
3. Outline three advantages of written reports.
4. List three functions of external communication.
5. Outline four factors that may cause delays in the transmission of information.
6. List four categories of information that are included in a curriculum vitae.
7. State three measures that one should take to ensure effective telephone communication.
8. List three challenges that one may experience when using visual communication to pass information.
9. State three uses of non-verbal cues in oral communication.
10. Outline three benefits of using videoconferencing in an organization.
11. As the secretary of Peston Association, write the minutes of a monthly meeting which discussed the following agenda items among others: (a) security, (b) tree planting; (c) improving infrastructure.
12. Umoja Holdings Limited, a supermarket chain, is intending to close down two of its branches in a month's time. Write a circular letter to all stakeholders informing them about the closure.
13. Ms. Rema, a student representative at Masomo University, will give a speech on their graduation day. Describe four non-verbal cues that she may use to make her speech effective.
14. The graph below show the approximate number of local tourists who visited City National Park over a period of six years.
15. Describe four challenges which an organization may face due to poor internal communication.
16. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. The world is fast changing and there is stiff competition among businesses. This calls for innovation in order to survive. Every organization must, therefore, structure itself in such a way that it produces goods and services that meet clients' requirements. Chief Executive Officers must devise ways on how to cope with imminent

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