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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT Module 1 Introduction to ICT Past Paper March 2024

A mechanical engineering company intends to acquire computers for its operations. Outline two uses of the computers in the company

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Questions List:

1. Outline four advantages of a batch data processing mode
2. Explain two functions of utility programs in a computer system
3. A mechanical engineering company intends to acquire computers for its operations. Outline two uses of the computers in the company
4. Explain each of the following intellectual property rights as used in computers: (a) patent; (b) copyright;
5. Differentiate between shielded twisted pair and unshielded twisted pair cables
6. Outline four advantages of an impact printer
7. A company intends to buy a supercomputer for its operations. Outline four features of this computer
8. Jane acquired an application software for her computer. Explain two factors she could have considered during this acquisition
9. Explain two challenges of sequential file access method
10. Harry left unprotected computer cables running across the floor in a computer room. Explain two dangers posed by those cables
11. Explain each of the following terms as used in computing: (i) data mining (ii) data warehousing
12. Daniel installed a pirated software in his computer. Explain three disadvantages of using this software
13. Figure 1 shows a computer network topology. Use it to answer the questions that follow: (i) Identify the network topology. (1 marks) ii) Outline four advantages of the topology identified in (i).
14. List four navigation keys in the computer keyboard
15. Sarah intends to buy a computer monitor. Outline three types of monitor she could get in the market.
16. Davis used fiber optic cables to connect computers. Explain three benefits of using this cable
17. Leon, a computer user has been experiencing neck pain. Explain two possible causes of this pain
18. Outline three functions of the control unit in a computer system
19. Explain three factors that could influence the choice of a computer acquisition method
20. A transportation company uses real time data processing mode for its operations. Explain three benefits of using this mode
21. Explain the term live ware as used in computing
22. Distinguish between special purpose and general purpose computers
23. State two computer pointing input devices
24. George captured data directly from the source into a computer. Describe two input devices he could have used
25. Explain the term wide areas network
26. Outline three characteristics of a wide area network
27. Distinguish between CD-R and CD-RW storage devices
28. Harriet was advised to use a strong password in a computer to safe guard information. Explain three characteristics of such a password