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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module III: Management Information Systems past paper March 2024

Explain two impacts of an information system as an agent of change in an organisation.

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Questions List:

1. Outline four emerging trends in Management Information Systems
2. Kisomo Institute installed an information system for its operations. Explain three objectives that this system could achieve
3. With the aid of a diagram, describe the classification of information systems in a typical organization based on each of the following perspectives: (i) organisational levels; (ii) functional
4. Mapema Institute acquired a student management information system. Explain two ethical issues that could arise due to the use of this system.
5. Outline four types of reports generated from Management Information System in a typical organisation.
6. Perfective maintenance keeps the information system relevant to the user. Outline two approaches used to achieve this.
7. Julius, an ICT technician at Tega Company, carried out an adaptive system maintenance. Outline four circumstances that could have led to this type of maintenance.
8. Superland Company uses an expert system in its business operations. Outline four benefits the company would accrue from this system.
9. State four qualities of good information.
10. Compare the use of a vision and an objective in information system planning.
11. Explain three reasons why information system resource management is important to a company.
12. Distinguish between project and milestone as used in Management Information Systems.
13. James, a manager of an ICT project, intends to schedule its tasks. Outline four steps he could follow to achieve this.
14. Outline four factors considered when choosing information systems acquisition method.
15. Explain two activities carried out when planning for an ICT project.
16. Outline four uses of critical path analysis in information system project management.
17. Distinguish between Optimistic time and pessimistic time as used in information systems project management.
18. Plannet Institute has decided to acquire an information system. Explain two circumstances that could have led to this decision.
19. With the aid of an example in each case, explain the application of information society in Kenya in each of the following areas: (i) e-government; ii)e-health.
20. Applet Computer Company used outsourcing method to acquire an information system. (i) Outline two circumstances when this method is not appropriate. ii)Explain two benefits of this method to the company.
21. Explain two goals of information system security.
22. Three wheel ICT Company acquired a Decision Support System. Describe three characteristics of such a system.
23. Describe a workbook as used in ICT project management.
24. Peja Systems Company is in the process of writing an information system security policy document. Describe three components that could be included in this document.
25. Joel, an ICT technician, prefers to use the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) metric as a measure of system maintenance effectiveness. Explain three possible reasons for this preference.
26. A college would like to gain competitive advantage through the use of information system. Describe three tools that could help the college to achieve this.
27. State two examples of project management software.
28. Explain one approach used to deal with each of the following challenges in ICT project management: (I) scope creep; II)unrealistic expectations.
29. Globe Company's information system was successfully attacked by cyber criminals. Explain two possible outcomes of this attack to the company.
30. An ICT project was managed using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) approach. Explain three stages of this approach.
31. Differentiate between E-commerce and Enterprise Resource Planning systems.
32. Explain two impacts of an information system as an agent of change in an organisation.
33. Outline two types of decisions made using an information system.
34. Alice, a system administrator in a college intends to plan for the information systems in a new financial year. Explain two methodologies she could use in her planning.
35. Differentiate between corrective and preventative system maintenance.
36. Apush Company Ltd adopted the use of a Management Information System in its operations. Explain three challenges that the company is likely to face.