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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: March 2024

Explain the function of each of the following properties of a checkbox control in a visual basic program :( 4 marks)
i) Enable
ii) Autosize
iii)ToolTip Text

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Questions List:

1. State four record sets that may be used for navigation in a visual basic program
2. Outline four reasons why adhering to naming conventions for variable in a visual basic program is important
3. Outline five operations that can be performed in a menu editor while creating application menu editors in a visual programming language
4. Write a visual basic program that uses a sub procedure to declare an array consisting of 5 numbers ,accepts the numbers through the input box and displays them in a listbox.The sub procedure should be executed when a command button is clicked.
5. Explain the function f each of the following types of messegebox constants in a visual basic program i) vbcritical ii) vbinformation
6. Explain the function of each of the following properties of a checkbox control in a visual basic program :( 4 marks) i) Enable ii) Autosize iii)ToolTip Text
7. Distinguish between data report and data environment as used in a visual basic program
8. Write a visual basic program that initializes two arrays; price and quantity to hold 5 values each. The program should then prompt a user to enter the five corresponding values into the arrays. The program computers the product of each pair of elements from the price and quantity arrays ,saving the results in an array, and then displays these products in a listbox control .Use for……Next loop and a
9. Outline the purpose of each of the following Visual Basic library functions. i. DateAdd ii. Rnd iii. Dir iv. Int(x)
10. Distinguish between report header and group header sections of a report design in Visual basic program and give example in each case
11. Write the Visual Basic statements for each of the following algebraic expressions:
12. Write a Visual Basic program that prompts a user to enter a student’s score in three subjects .The program should then compute the average of the scores and display the results on the message “please enter numeric values” on a massage box when input is not numeric
13. Figure 1 shows a Visual basic program code window .Explain the function of the following section labeled (i) and(ii)
14. Explain each of the following types of controls in a Visual Basic program (i) DrivelistBox (ii) DirllistBox
15. State two differences between the unload method and Hide method as used in Visual Basic program forms
16. Write a Visual Basic program that accepts percentage score in an examination through the use of an input box function. The program then displays a remark based on the following criteria. Use case statement.
17. Outline four components in an integrated development environment in a Visual Basic program
18. Maurice was asked to add comments to a code created in a visual Basic program .Explain three purpose of the comments in the code
19. Distinguish between function procedure and event procedure as used in Visual Basic programming language
20. Study the following Visual Basic program and use it to answer the questions that follow Private sub form load() Dim originalstring As string Dim reversedstring As string Dim counter as interger Originalstring=”TOYOTA” Listl.clear For counter =len(originalstring) To 1 step -1 Reversedstring=reversedstring &mid(originalstring’counter,1) Next counter
21. Outline a circumstance that necessitate the use of each of the following mouse events in a Visual Basic program.( 4marks) i. MouseLeave ii. MouseHover iii. Mouse Up iv. MouseDown
22. Explain each of thefollowing error handling methods used in Visual Basic programming language i. Err.Number, ii. Err.Clear, iii. On Error-GoTo
23. Explain a circumstance that necessitate the use of each of the following types of arrays in a Visual Basic program.(4 marks) (i) One dimensional array; (Ii) static array
24. Write a program in Visual Basic programming language that would compute the sum of the following sequence for values less than 50 3+6+9+12+…………. The program should display the sum in a listbox.Use Do-loop while structure
25. Outline four hardware factors to be conside r when installing a Visual Programming program in a computer
26. Explain the importance of each of the following debugging methods in a Visual Basic program: i. Breakpoint; ii. Step into; iii. Inspect variable
27. Distinguish between form designer window and code editor window of a Visual Basic program
28. Write a Visual Basic program that would display the following multiplication table on a listbox control.Use a do while loop . Multiplication table for 14 2*14=28 3*14=42 4*14=56 5*14=70 6*14=84 7*14=98
29. Explain each of the following ADO control locks in visual Basic programming language;(4 marks) (i) adlockOptimistic; (ii) adLockBatchOptimistic.
30. With then aid of a program syntax, describe the if else control structure as used in visual Basic programming language
31. Explain each of the following terms as used in a Visual Basic programming language, giving an example in each case:( 6 marks) (i) Type Mismatch (ii) Unhandled Exceptions
32. Write a Visual Basic program that would display the following table on a form when command button is clicked.Use a for loop

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