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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Maintenance and Support past paper: July 2018

Outline four hard disk utilities that could be found in operating system.

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Questions List:

1. Outline four factors that should be considered when selecting a power supply unit other than cost.
2. Explain two circumstances under which an organization may use uninterruptable power supply unit (UPS) for computer system
3. Paul was diagnosing a motherboard and found out that it had bloated capacitors. Explain two possible causes of this problem.
4. Explain two goals of establishing an inventory of computers in an organization.
5. Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile memory as used in computer system.
6. Explain two types of scanner that cou1d be used with computers.
7. Explain the term sector as used in magnetic disk
8. Describe the term virtualization as used in computers
9. Distinguish between spike and brown out as used in computers power supply
10. Explain each of the following disk storage technologies as used in computer system; (i). Optical; (ii). Magnetic.
11. Mary was required to advise her boss on how old computers could be disposed. Explain two environmentally safe methods that she could recommend
12. Outline four hard disk utilities that could be found in operating system.
13. Outline five factors that could be considered when selecting Random Access Memory (RAM) chip, other than cost
14. With the aid of a diagram, Describe the parts of computer system
15. Figure 1 shows notification sign in a laptop computer. Use it to answer the question that follows. Outline the function of each of the following signs labelled (i) and(ii).
16. Peter was troubleshooting a printer that was showing offline status in the printer properties dialogue box. Explain three possible remedies for this problem
17. List two types of computer monitors.
18. Distinguish between serial port and parallel port as used in computers
19. Salome was required to carry out computer literacy training for a group of employees at their respective work stations. (i). Explain the appropriate training method that she could use (ii). Explain two challenges that she could experience while using the training method identified in (i).
20. Lucas stored several documents in his flash disk from a computer in cybercafé. On getting home he found that the flash disk was empty. (i). Assuming that the flash disk was in good condition, explain the possible causes for the loss of the stored documents ii)Outline four measures that could use to mitigate the cause identified in (i).
21. John chose to use NTFS over FAT 32 file system while preparing his disk. Outline four features of NTFS that could have influenced his choice
22. (a) A motherboard serves as platform for several components in computer system (i). Outline three example of expansion slots that could be found on it (ii). Outline four examples of hard disk interface that could be found on it.
23. Passive computer maintenance is a continuous routine for computer technical officers. Outline three activities that could be carried out during the exercise
24. Ann was required to assemble a computer during a job interview. Outline four factors that she should consider while carrying out this task
25. XYZ company ltd. Intends to use unattended software installation approach for its computer system. Explain two benefits that the company could realize
26. Differentiate between parallel and pipelining processor technologies.