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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper July 2016

State four Kenya building code requirements for sanitary appliances.

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Questions List:

1. Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. State two examples in each case
2. State four reasons for alloying metals.
3. Outline five design principles of direct cylinder system of hot water supply.
4. List three classification of fire .State suitable extinguishing agent for each class.
5. Calculate the power output of a centrifugal pump which can lift 200 liters from a shallow well 6 m deep in 10 seconds.
6. Explain the following safety and precaution observed in a plumbing workshop. i. Clothing ii. Behavior iii. Self-care
7. Sketch and label a direct cold water system in a domestic building
8. State four characteristics of a domestic cold water supply system
9. Sate two classes of mild steel pipes ,stating their colour coding and the use of each.
10. state any five characteristics of a drainage system .
11. With the aid of a labeled sketch differentiate between “leftward” and “right ward” welding techniques.
12. Define the term alloy
13. State the metal composition of; i. Brass ii. Broze
14. A fourteen storey building to be supplied with water from the mains. The mains pressure is 300 Kpa and the water can be pumped directly from the mains. Determine the floor height to which the pressure from the mains can supply
15. With the aid of sketch explain how an AC arc welding set operates.
16. with the aid of a sketch explain how a Grinnell-type quartzite sprinkler operates.
17. 6. Sketch and label a single stack drainage system in a two stray building showing the common appliances.
18. State four Kenya building code requirements for sanitary appliances.
19. Calculate the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 250 liters of water from 20 degrees -100 degrees take specific heat capacity of water=4.18Kj.
20. Outline four functions of the coating in an arc welding electrode.
21. State the procedure of tinning a soldering bit .
22. list four positions where manholes are used in drainage system .
23. define the following terms as used in water treatment i) coagulation ii) Dechlorination
24. Name two reducing agents used in water treatment.
25. List four properties of a coagulant.