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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Operating Systems past paper: March 2024

Explain the purpose of each of the following I/O device software:
(a) device drivers;
(b) device independent software.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define system call as used in operating systems
2. Outline two challenges of monolithic operating systems
3. Differentiate between semaphore and monitor as used in operating systems
4. Explain two causes of thrashing in virtual memory
5. Outline four conditions necessary for a deadlock to occur in a computer system
6. Outline two factors to consider when choosing a computer file organisation method.
7. Describe external fragmentation problem in memory allocation.
8. Outline four attributes of a computer file.
9. Explain the purpose of each of the following I/O device software: (a) device drivers; (b) device independent software.
10. Describe each of the following file allocation schemes: (a) contiguous; (b) linked list.
11. Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is one of the disk management techniques. Explain two advantages of this technique in a computer system.
12. Peter, an ICT technician, troubleshoots a computer whose file system had failed. Explain two possible causes of this failure.
13. Outline three functions of operating systems in a computer.
14. Mary intends to acquire an operating system. Explain two factors that she could consider during the acquisition.
15. An operating system uses priority scheduling algorithm to schedule jobs. (i) Explain one problem associated with this algorithm. (ii) Describe a technique used to solve the problem in (i)
16. Differentiate between deadlock avoidance and deadlock prevention as used in operating systems.
17. Explain each of the following modes of programmable clocks as used in device I/O management: (i) one-shot; (ii) square-wave.
18. Table 1 shows different processes and their burst times. Use it to answer the question that follows tab.PNG Calculate the average waiting time using round robin, with a time slice of 2
19. Paul uses the New Technology File System (NTFS) in his computer. (i) Outline three features of the New Technology File System (NTFS): ii) Explain two advantages of the file system:
20. Outline three conditions that cause a running process to terminate:
21. Explain one objective of the long-term scheduler in process management.
22. A computer system uses a batch operating system. Outline three limitations of this system.
23. An operating system structure consists of several modules and each module is placed on top of the other. (i) Identify this operating system structure; ii). Explain three advantages of the operating system structure identified in (i).
24. Explain each of the following terms as used in operating systems:
25. A computer system uses memory management policies to keep track of each memory location. Explain two such policies.
26. Distinguish between running state and ready state in process management.

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