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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2019

Outline four factors to consider in the design of a site layout

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Questions List:

1. State five advantages of plant maintenance
2. State four factors to consider in selection of a workshop site
3. Outline two essential services for a workshop
4. Outline four contract documents.
5. Explain two regulations governing workshop design
6. State four benefits of instilling discipline in a construction firm
7. Explain four documents used for material procurement.
8. Explain four spaces to consider in design of a workshop layout
9. State four reasons for site investigation
10. Outline four factors to consider in the design of a site layout
11. Explain five outcomes of designing a site layout
12. State four roles of a quantity surveyor in a construction firm;
13. state three roles of a local authority in the building industry
14. State five advantages of trade unions
15. Explain four non-economic causes of industrial disputes
16. State four categories of mechanical plant giving one use for each
17. State four regulations governing employment in construction industry
18. Outline the procedure of disciplining an employee in a construction firm
19. Outline four methods of motivating workers in construction industry
20. Explain three systems of filing
21. Outline four reasons for having inventory columns
22. Explain three methods of maintaining construction equipment
23. Explain four types of contracts.
24. Explain how each of the following is minimised on a construction site: (i) material wastage; (ii) material pilferage
25. Explain two sources of finance for acquisition of construction equipment
26. Explain each of the following types of tendering: i) selective: (ii) negotiated.
27. Explain four types of statutory deductions on income