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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2020

Explain the following tendering methods:
(i) open tendering;
(ii) selective tendering

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State five factors to consider when selecting a workshop site.
2. Explain three regulations governing establishment of a workshop
3. Explain the following documents used in the process of ordering materials: (i) advice note; (ii) delivery note; (iii) invoice.
4. List two sources of capital for purchase of equipment and tools for a workshop
5. Differentiate between 'routine maintenance' and 'planned maintenance' of equipment
6. State eight items to be considered in site investigation
7. With the aid of a table, explain a 'plant schedule'
8. Explain the importance of 'method statement’ in project
9. List four contract documents
10. Explain the following types of contracts: (i) labour only contracts; (ii) cost reimbursement contracts; (iii) package deal.
11. Explain the following tendering methods: (i) open tendering; (ii) selective tendering
12. State three roles of each of the following in the construction industry: (i) Quantity surveyor; (ii) Supplier.
13. State six features of a good incentive at work place
14. State five factors to consider when carrying out discipline to workers
15. List six types of office equipment
16. State five principles of filing documents
17. Describe three ways of filing documents
18. State three forms of communication on site
19. Explain the purpose of an inventory on site
20. Explain how the following materials are stored on site. (i) timber (ii) cement; (iii) aggregates; (iv) small items.
21. Define the term factory
22. Explain two ways of administering factories act
23. State five factors to consider when using construction plant
24. State where face shovel is suitably used.
25. Explain the term 'matching of plant' giving one example
26. Using the data given below, calculate the number of 0.5 m3 dumpers required to maintain a 0.5 m3 non-tilting mixer at maximum efficiency if concrete is to be placed 200 m away. Data Mixer output - 6 m3 per hour Travelling average speed - 15 km per hour Unloading time - 0.5 minute Manouvering time - 0.2 minute
27. State five characteristics of a good programme