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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2021

State four advantages of 'serial tendering

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Questions List:

1. State four health regulations governing workshop designs
2. Outline four essential services provided for a workshop
3. Explain five factors considered in the workshop design
4. Outline four categories of material wastage
5. Explain four measures taken to minimize insecurity of materials on a site
6. Explain three sources of capital finance for purchasing machinery.
7. State four benefits of inventory columns in store keeping
8. Outline four methods of motivating employees
9. Explain five advantages of trade unions in work environment
10. State five roles of each of the following parties in occupational health and safety (i)employees; ii) employers.
11. Explain two types of maintenance for equipment
12. Explain three reasons for providing preliminary items on a construction site.
13. State four reasons for maintaining equipment.
14. Explain the term 'serial tendering'
15. State four advantages of 'serial tendering
16. Explain five considerations when designing a site layout for a workshop construction
17. State six roles of a clerk of works in a construction project.
18. Differentiate between the following types of contracts: (i) labour only and target cost;
19. Explain three systems of filing
20. State six reasons for carrying out a site investigation
21. Outline four reasons for maintaining discipline of workers in a work place
22. Outline four reasons for conducting site meetings
23. Outline four types of taxation in Kenya