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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2022

) State three storage requirements for each of the following materials in a building site:
(i) bags of cement;
(ii) timber.

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Questions List:

1. State four aims of ensuring safety in the workshop.
2. Explain five factors to be considered when selecting a site to build a factory
3. State three causes of wastage of materials in a construction site
4. State five reasons for using construction plant on a building site
5. State three advantages of each of the following in a building project: (i) hiring a construction plant; (ii) buying a construction plant
6. Explain three methods of construction plant maintenance
7. State three duties of each of the following parties in a building project: (i) quantity surveyor; (ii) clerk of works; (iii) main contract.
8. State ant five requirements necessary for a contract to be valid
9. Describe the following contract documents: (i) contract drawings, (i) specifications; (iii) bill of quantities.
10. States six general guidelines to be considered when disciplining an employee on a construction site.
11. Outline three types of organization structure relationship giving one example.
12. Explain four ways of motivating workers on a construction site
13. List six essential office equipment required for a building contractor's office
14. Outline three systems of filing office documents stating one advantage of each
15. State three duties of each of the following during a site meeting: (i) Chairman; (ii) Secretary
16. Outline four forms of written communication used on construction sites
17. define the term tender
18. Describe the following methods of tendering and state two advantages of each: i) open tendering; allows (ii) selective tendering.
19. State three safety precautions that should be taken to reduce accidents in relation to the Following. (i) plant and equipment (ii) excavations
20. State four causes of accidents in a construction site
21. Describe four documents used by the builder during the procurement of building materials
22. ) State three storage requirements for each of the following materials in a building site: (i) bags of cement; (ii) timber.
23. Name the two types of deductions that are affected n an employee's salary
24. State five roles of trade unions in Kenya
25. Name four types of mechanical plant required by a building contractor for use on a large construction site.
26. State five characteristics of a good contract programme for a construction project