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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper March 2023

State two advantages and two disadvantages of open tendering methods

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Questions List:

1. State three uses of guards mounted on machines.
2. Outline four health factors considered when designing a workshop
3. Outline four fraternal functions of a trade union
4. State five activities performed during preparation for works on a proposed construction site.
5. Define the term contract
6. Explain the two contract documents that deal with specifications of a building
7. Outline three roles of a structural engineer during implementation of building project.
8. Explain the objectives of preliminary items in a construction site
9. Explain three ways in which computerized technology has impacted the construction industry.
10. Describe two voluntary deductions from wages and salaries.
11. Define the term communication.
12. Name four features of a memorandum.
13. Explain four methods used to control materials on a construction site.
14. Explain the importance of three essential services for a workshop.
15. Outline four objectives of incentives in an organization
16. Describe the procedure of procuring materials in a construction site
17. State two advantages and two disadvantages of open tendering methods
18. Illustrate a day worksheet format.
19. Outline four advantages of using mechanical plants in construction
20. Outline four objectives of site investigation in contract planning
21. Explain four duties of an employer
22. Explain two causes of accidents in a construction site
23. state four qualities of a good leader
24. Describe two reasons for discharging a legal contract.
25. Define each of the following terms in relation to a building contract: (i) arbitration; (ii) prime cost.