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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper July 2018

Explain each of the following water treatment processes:
(ii) disinfection.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the principle of the fire triangle and state how it may be used in firefighting.
2. With the aid of a labeled sketch, explain the operation of an equilibrium ball valve.
3. Explain each of the following water treatment processes: (i)coagulation; (ii) disinfection.
4. State four safety precautions observed when using oxy-acetylene gas welding equipment.
5. Illustrate each of the following defects in gas welding: (i) Undercut; (ii)Poor penetration.
6. Sketch and label a fully vented one-pipe system to a two storey building serving three appliances on each floor.
7. Outline four causes of loss of seal water in a trap.
8. Explain two below ground drainage tests.
9. With the aid of a labeled sketch explain the operation of a hydraulic ram.
10. Sketch and label a bimetal flame-failure device and describe how it works.
11. List six points in a drainage system where a manhole must be provided.
12. Sketch and label a septic tank and explain how it operates
13. Sketch the symbols used for the following appliances: (i) water closet; ii) wash hand basin; (iii) kitchen sink
14. Sketch and label a direct domestic hot water system.
15. Outline the situation that would necessitate the use of an indirect hot water system.
16. State four factors that influence the selection of a pump.
17. State four sources of heat of boilers.
18. Sketch each of the following arc welding joints: (i) butt joint; (ii) fillet
19. Sketch and label a grease trap and outline its operation.
20. Illustrate each of the following pipe joints: (i) cast iron joint; (ii) screwed joint; (iii) PVC cement weld joint; (iv) Copper silver soldered joint

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