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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper July 2019

Sketch and label a section through a domestic cold water storage cistern indicating positions of all connections

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Questions List:

1. List four items found in a first aid kit
2. State two precautions to be observed when using each of the following tools: (i)chisel (ii) hammer; (iii)hacksaw.
3. With the aid of a sketch, describe the hydrological cycle.
4. List four sources of water.
5. State four impurities that make water unsuitable for drinking.
6. Explain the following processes of water treatment: (i)filtration; (ii) coagulation.
7. Describe the following firefighting systems: (i) wet riser: (ii) dry riser.
8. Outline the procedure of cutting a thread on a steel pipe using stocks and dies.
9. Differentiate between ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals giving one example in each case.
10. State four advantages of direct cold water supply system.
11. Sketch and label a section through a domestic cold water storage cistern indicating positions of all connections
12. Explain the following types of flows in pipes: (i) steady flow; (ii) turbulent flow; (iii) laminar flow.
13. State four factors considered when selecting a pump for water supply.
14. Distinguish between 'separate system' and 'combined system' of drainage.
15. State the metal composition of the following alloys: (i) brass, (ii) bronze.
16. State four precautions observed when using gas welding equipment.
17. With the aid of sketches, describe two types of oxy-acetylene welding flames.
18. State four defects in arc welding.
19. Illustrate the following welded joints: (i) Butt joint (ii) Angle joint: (iii) Lap joint.
20. State two precautions observed when installing a gas system in a building.
21. Explain the working of instantaneous electrical water heater.
22. Illustrate the direct hot water system indicating the direction of flow of water.
23. State one function of each of the following components in pipework giving two examples of each: (i) valves; (ii) taps.
24. Explain the term furring as used in hot water systems stating two of it's effects.
25. Sketch and label a direct solar water heating system.
26. State four materials used for sanitary appliances.
27. Differentiate between waste appliances and soil appliances giving two examples in each case.
28. Sketch and label a detail of the flashing at a roof valley
29. State five locations where manholes are provided in a drainage system.
30. Sketch and label a section through a soak way.
31. With reference to setting out of drains, state (i)two instruments used; (ii)two pieces of equipment used.
32. Explain four causes of loss of water seal in traps.

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