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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper November 2018

Explain each of the following terms:
(i) interim certificate;
(ii) deffects liability period;
(iii) completion certificate;
(iv) commencement notice.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State five principles to be observed when administering discipline
2. Explain each of the following terms: (i) motivation; (ii) pan of control; (iii) team spirit; (iv) leadership.
3. Explain four control measures to be taken to minimise pilfering and theft of materials in a construction site.
4. State five factors to be considered when selecting a site for a workshop
5. explain the term local authority planned zones
6. Explain three provisions governing the design of a workshop
7. Explain each of the following procurement documents: i) delivery note; (ii) advice note; (iii) invoice; (iv) payment voucher.
8. Describe each of the following contract documents: (i) drawings: (ii) bill of quantities; (iii) specifications.
9. Differentiate between open tendering and selective tendering citing two advantages of each
10. Outline four reasons for conducting routine maintenance on machines
11. State six check-list items for conducting routine maintenance for a dumper
12. Explain the purpose of a method statement as relates to contract planning.
13. Illustrate a sample of a method statement
14. Differentiate between management and organization
15. Explain each of the following for workshop layout: (i) working areas; (ii) storage areas; (iii) machines; (iv) offices.
16. Explain four functions of management
17. Highlight four preliminary items for construction project works.
18. Outline four points that a contractor will note during site investigation
19. State four reasons for termination of an employee's contract
20. Explain five factors which may influence industrial dispute in an organisation
21. Explain each of the following terms: (i) interim certificate; (ii) deffects liability period; (iii) completion certificate; (iv) commencement notice.
22. Outline four factors to consider when designing site layout
23. Explain three essentials of a valid contract
24. State four functions of an office
25. Explain each of the following forms of communication: (i) letter: (ii) report; (iii) memo: (iv) notice.
26. State four essentials of a filing system
27. Explain three methods of filing used in any organisation