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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Develop Computer Program past paper November 2022

Write a program in Java that prompts for entry of two integers. The program should provide methods to enter, add, subtract, multiply and print the results.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. List any three features of fourth generation languages.
2. Explain two types of documentation used in computer program
3. What is the purpose of comments in a program?
4. Explain four basic data types associated with C?
5. Describe static function with its usage in C programming?
6. Differentiate between server side and client side of a website
7. Differentiate between encapsulation and abstraction as used in Object Oriented Programming.
8. Describe two importance of acceptance testing for a program.
9. Discuss any three differences between interpreters and compilers
10. Outline any five rules when naming identifiers in C programming
11. Mary intends to carry out user training on a new developed system. Describe two methods she could use for training.
12. Define the term source code as used in programming.
13. Explain any two importance of generating a user manual for a program.
14. Explain two functions of a compiler in C programming.
15. Differentiate between imperative and declarative programming languages.
16. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter Marks for five subjects, Computes the average and displays the result as a two decimal point value.
17. Outline four rules for naming identifiers in C language.
18. Distinguish between instance and class variables as used in Java.
19. Write a program in Java that prompts for entry of two integers. The program should provide methods to enter, add, subtract, multiply and print the results.
20. James an ICT technician implemented a system in a company. He is tasked to develop a maintenance schedule. i) Describe two maintenance tools he is likely to use; ii) In case bugs are detected in this system, explain the process of rectifying the bugs.
21. Outline four characteristics of a constructor function.
22. Explain the try – catch method of exception handling in Java.
23. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter time taken in minutes or hours. Based on the units given the program should convert to hours or minutes respectively using a function.
24. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1
25. Define an abstract class as used in Java.
26. Leila was hired by a company to develop for them tailor-made software. Describe TWO program development approaches she could use.
27. AngiTech company intends to add a new program module to their existing system. Explain the type of maintenance they need to carry out to this system.
28. The following program segment is written using IF statements in Java programming. Public class Vowel { Public static void main (string [] args){ Char letter =’o’; If (letter ==’a’) System.out.println (letter+” is a vowel”); Else if (letter ==’e’) System.out.println (letter+”is a vowel”); Else if (letter ==’i’) System.out.println (letter+ ”is a vowel”); Else if (letter ==’o’)

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