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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper November 2021

Explain the following types of contracts:
(i) serial contract;
(ii) cost reimbursement contract;
(iii) package deal;
(iv) labour only contracts

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. List eight ways of achieving healthy environment in a workshop
2. State six factors to be considered when planning for a site layout plan
3. State four items to include on a site layout plan
4. State four Kenya building code requirements for application to construct temporary housing on site
5. List any four items considered as preliminary on a construction site
6. State four duties of a supplier
7. State six considerations when selecting a supplier
8. Explain the following documents used in materials procurement: i)advice note; (ii) requisition; (iii) delivery note.
9. State four ways of reducing material wastage on site.
10. Explain the importance of meeting in an organization
11. Explain the term 'Agenda' in a meeting
12. Outline the composition of a meeting
13. State six factors to consider before purchasing an office equipment.
14. State four barriers of communication in an organisation
15. State five reasons for plant maintenance.
16. Explain the following maintenance plans: (i) routine; (ii) overhaul: (iii) preventive.
17. State four advantages of hiring plant.
18. Explain the following qualities of a good leader: (i) self confidence; (ii) respect; (iii) technical skill; (iv) tact.
19. State six features of a sound incentive scheme
20. List four contract documents
21. Explain the following types of contracts: (i) serial contract; (ii) cost reimbursement contract; (iii) package deal; (iv) labour only contracts
22. Explain the following tendering methods: (i) selective tendering (ii) negotiated tendering.
23. Differentiate between a tender and a contract
24. State eight items considered in site investigation
25. Explain the following as used in pre-tender planning, giving tabulated examples: (i) method statement; (ii) plant schedule.
26. State five advantages of critical path over bar chart.

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