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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Develop Computer Program past paper March 2023

Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter Marks for five subjects. The program then computes the average and displays the result as a two decimal point value

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three non-primitive data types in Java
2. Outline four characteristics of C programming language
3. list two control structures used for iteration in Java programming
4. Explain two preprocessor directives in C language
5. Differentiate between encapsulation and abstraction as used in Object-Oriented Programming
6. The following program segment is written in Java language. Use it to answer the question that follows. public class Large { public static void main(String args[]) { int a, b; a = 20; b = 30; int big = (a > b) ? a : b; System.out.println("The largest value is : " + big); } } State the output generated by the following program segment
7. Explain two importance of acceptance testing for a program
8. Doreen intends to carry out user training on a new developed system. Describe two methods she could use for training
9. Explain one reason for performing integration testing to a program
10. Given that a=12 and b=2, c=5, d=8. Evaluate the following expressions in Java language. Show your working. (i) Z = a * b / d % c ii)--a
11. Classify the words as either keywords or identifiers in Java language. (3 Marks) Abstract, final, average, null, total, short
12. Define the term source code as used in programming
13. Explain two importance of generating a user manual for a program
14. Explain two functions of a compiler in C programming
15. Differentiate between imperative and declarative programming languages
16. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter Marks for five subjects. The program then computes the average and displays the result as a two decimal point value
17. Outline four rules for naming identifiers in C language
18. Distinguish between instance and class variables as used in Java.
19. Write a program in Java that prompts for entry of two integers. The program should provide methods to enter, add, subtract, multiply and print the results
20. James an ICT technician implemented a system in a company. He is tasked to develop a maintenance schedule. (i) Describe two maintenance tools he is likely to use (ii) In case bugs are detected in this system, explain the process of rectifying the bugs
21. Outline four characteristics of a constructor function
22. Explain the try-catch method of exception handling in Java
23. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter time taken in minutes or hours. Based on the units given the program should convert to hours or minutes respectively using a function
24. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1
25. Define an abstract class as used in Java
26. Leila was hired by a company to develop for them a tailor-made software. Explain two program development approaches she could use
27. AngiTech company intends to add a new program module to their existing system. Explain the type of maintenance they need to carry out to this system
28. A student accesses their reports through a portal. A student logs in by using registration number and a password. This is verified against a registration database. The portal then opens and the student can view their exam report. Represent this logic using a flowchart
29. Write a program in Java that prompts a user to enter a letter of the alphabet. The program outputs “It is a vowel”, otherwise “It is consonant”. Use a switch structure