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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Develop Computer Program past paper July 2023

Consider the following Java program that uses the Inheritance concept.

class Calculation {
int z;
public void addition(int x, int y) { z = x + y;
System.out.println("The sum of the given numbers:"+z);
public void Subtraction(int x, int y) {
z = x - y;
System.out.println("The difference between the given numbers:"+z);
public class My_Calculation extends Calculation { public void
multiplication(int x, int y) {
z = x * y;
System.out.println("The product of the given numbers:"+z);
public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 20, b = 10;
My_Calculation demo = new My_Calculation();
demo.addition(a, b);
demo.Subtraction(a, b);
demo.multiplication(a, b);
a) From the program, identify the following program components
i) The base class/superclass (1 Mark):

ii) Base class method(s) (2 Marks)
iii) The derived class/subclass (1 Mark):
iv) Subclass method(s) (1 Mark):
v) Method parameters (2 Marks):
vi) Object (1 Mark):
vii) Constructor (1 Mark):
viii) Object communication/Message passing (3 Marks):

b) What is the output of the program? (3 Marks)

c) Modify the subclass to include a method to calculate the quotient (result of division) and have the object call the method (5 Marks)

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Questions List:

1. Distinguish between imperative programming and object programming languages giving TWO examples in each
2. Identify TWO valid reasons for a software developer to use each of the following approaches in a project: a) Waterfall Model b) Agile Methodology c) Spiral Model
3. Using C language examples, explain ONE program control structure for: a) Decision/Branching b) Looping
4. Define the following program development phases
5. Explain THREE program design tools.
6. Describe FOUR building blocks of object-oriented programming (OOP)
7. Using Java language, illustrate ONE example of the following error types. a) Syntax error b) Run time error c) Logic error
8. Design a program to calculate and output the area and perimeter of a rectangular football field using: a) Pseudocode b) A Flowcharts
9. The following C++ program is intended to calculate and display the mean scoreof 10 students who sat for “Computer programming” test. Identify the errors in the program. #include<iostream.h>; #define STUDENTS 10 INT main() { Int count; float testScore[STUDENTS]; float sumOfScores, averageOfScores sum=0; // Enter the 10 test scores and update the sum for(count=1;counter<STUDENTS;
10. Explain FIVE benefits of using functions in program development.
11. Consider the following program conditional requirements. If the Purchase Amount is greater than Sh.50,000 If Customer Duration is 5 Years and Above Then Customer Pays 90% of Purchase Amount (10% Discount) Else Customer Pays 92.5% of Purchase Amount (7.5% Discount) Else If Customer Duration is 5 Years and Above Then Customer Pays 97%% of Purchase Amount (3% Discount) Else Customer Pays Full
12. Consider the following Java program that uses the Inheritance concept. class Calculation { int z; public void addition(int x, int y) { z = x + y; System.out.println("The sum of the given numbers:"+z); } public void Subtraction(int x, int y) { z = x - y; System.out.println("The difference between the given numbers:"+z); } } public class My_Calculation extends Calculation {

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