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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Develop Computer Program past paper November 2023

Format of a computer program is considered while developing a computer program. Mention FOUR elements to be considered under the format of this program.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. What is Programming?
2. During the development of a program fundamentals of structured programming are critical. State any SIX fundamentals involved in C language.
3. Format of a computer program is considered while developing a co mputer program. MentionFOUR elements to be considered under the format of this program.
4. What is Exception handling in JAVA?
5. Differentiate between black box and white box testing.
6. Performing program design and analysis is one of the critical stages in program development. Outline FOUR elements involved in program design and analysis.
7. Outline THREE differences between abstraction and encapsulation as used in computer programming.
8. Spiral approach of program development is essential in computer programming. State FIVE characteristics of spiral.
9. As an expert in the ICT field, state THREE software design levels.
10. Identify FOUR levels of testing a computer program.
11. IDE plays a crucial role in programming. Without the use of IDE most of the programmers will have difficulties in developing programs. Discuss any FIVE roles of IDE.
12. Peter, a student at a technical institute, was considering using the agile program development approach. Explain FIVE reasons why he could have considered this approach.
13. Apart from enhancing readability of a program, variable and function names in a program are essential for several reasons. Discuss FIVE reasons why a variable and function name is essential.
14. Discuss FIVE considerations put in place to ensure that the code satisfies the functional and design requirements established earlier in the project during the implementation phase.
15. Joseph, a student at Tusome Pamoja College, didn’t see the reason why a maintenance schedule should exist once the program has been developed. Explain FIVE reasons why you may differ with his reasoning.
16. Understanding the phases involved in developing a program is key in computer programming. Discuss FIVE phases involved in computer programming.
17. Peter, while developing a program in class, included comments. Discuss FIVE reasons for including his comments.
18. Mary, a student at Igonje Technical Training Institute, was trained to use various maintenance tools when maintaining developed programs. Discuss FIVE tools that she may have used.