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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Demonstrate Digital Literacy past paper November 2023

Explain two importance of previewing a document before printing

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Questions List:

1. Identify THREE ways in which computers have made work easier in learning institutions.
2. Differentiate between replying and forwarding an e-mail.
3. Jane was advised to purchase an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for her computer. State TWO uses of the device she purchased
4. State THREE computer network equipment used in networking other than a computer.
5. Define the term biometric access control as used in data security.
6. A computer virus is a program which interferes the normal working of the computer systems. Highlight the FOUR computer virus “symptoms”?
7. Define the term cybercrime.
8. Outline the procedure for creating an e-mail account
9. Explain TWO differences between word processors and desktop publisher.
10. Differentiate between workbook and worksheet as used in a spreadsheet.
11. State the features that Peter could use to perform each of the following; a. Look for the occurrence of the word “church” and change it to “company”. b. Correct misspelled words.
12. Classify the following functions as either statistical or logical functions: AND, Average, OR, TRUE, IF, AverageIF.
13. Outline three examples of slide layouts Ken could have used in the presentation.
14. As small business owners, you are aware of the rising threat of computer crimes and the potential risks they pose to your business's sensitive data. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is crucial for safeguarding your business’ information and reputation. Considering this, what are FIVE effective methods you can adopt to.
15. Discuss FIVE advantages of using wireless transmission media to connect to the internet
16. Discuss FIVE disadvantages of the internet
17. A technician was asked to purchase a monitor to be used in a conference room. Explain the FIVE factors that a technician should consider when purchasing a monitor for a conference room.
18. Utility software are the programs used frequently to carry out routine jobs in computer systems. Explain the FIVE types of utility software
19. Akili Bora enterprise integrated mobile technology into its business practices. Clarify the advantages of embracing this technology by explaining FIVE key benefits.
20. Outline three ways that may be used to format the page background of a document created using a word processing application.
21. Explain two importance of previewing a document before printing
22. The figure below is an extract showing the status of goods supplied and to be taken by a wholesaler. Use it to answer the questions that follows.
23. Explain FIVE advantages of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in business processes.