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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Installation of Computer Software past paper November 2022

Describe translation programs as used in operating system citing TWO examples of such programs.

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Questions List:

1. Define the following terms as used in software. i. Software Installation. ii. Software testing
2. Differentiate between system software and application software
3. Operating system is a type of a system software, outline TWO examples of the operating system
4. Highlight TWO installation media used during software installation.
5. State FIVE steps involved in functional testing of the software.
6. During software installation documentation is very key, highlight FOUR advantages of software documentation
7. Software piracy is a major challenge in our society today, highlight THREE ways in which software piracy can be minimized.
8. Distinguish between software update and software upgrade
9. State TWO benefits of using maintenance software
10. Explain TWO methods in which a computer user can acquire software
11. Explain THREE hardware requirements for software installation.
12. Outline FOUR advantages of off-the-shelf software.
13. Explain any FIVE types of software testing techniques.
14. Describe THREE types of software licenses
15. Software documentations provide details about a given software. Describe THREE types of documentation associated with software.
16. List FOUR importance of software testing.
17. Discuss any FIVE types of software installation.
18. Explain THREE types of software requirements
19. Describe translation programs as used in operating system citing TWO examples of such programs.
20. Describe THREE functions of the operating system
21. Explain TWO features of operating systems
22. Explain THREE examples of utility programs in computer software.
23. Explain THREE examples of utility programs in computer software.
24. Discuss FIVE types of operating systems.
25. Describe TWO classes of the operating system