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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Installation of Computer Software past paper July 2023

Identify THREE safety procedures involved in computer operating system installation.

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Questions List:

1. Differentiate between: a) Application software and Operating system b) RAM and ROM
2. Outline THREE functions of an operating system.
3. Distinguish between BIOS and POST as used in computers.
4. State FOUR effects of viruses on computers
5. Highlight THREE main differences between mainframe and minicomputers.
6. Identify THREE safety procedures involved in computer operating system installation.
7. Define the following terms as used in computing: a) Encapsulation b) Operating system c) Booting d) Graphical user interface
8. Explain TWO types of computer software.
9. Discuss THREE benefits of computers in modern technology.
10. State the memory capacity of short and float data types in bytes.
11. Building a computer is an enjoyable process if done correctly. The procedure for installing different hardware components varies from one to the other. a) Describe the steps followed to install and configure each of the following: i) Processor ii) RAM iii) CD-ROM Drive
12. Musa wants to buy a laptop computer for his personal use. Describe FIVE hardware specifications he would consider.
13. The ICT department in your institution recently received new computers. They have consulted you to shed light on the different ways they can install software on the target computers. a) With relevant examples, explain FIVE types of software installation methods
14. Pre-installation system preparation is an important aspect of the software installation process. Identify FIVE tasks that should be undertaken as part of this process.
15. Distinguish between the following terms as used in computer operating systems: i) Paging and Segmentation ii) Single User and Multi-user Operating Systems iii) Logical and Physical Memory
16. Outline any FOUR user administration activities as used in computer operating systems
17. Discuss FIVE process scheduling algorithms as used in computer operating systems
18. Computers have changed the way people relate to one another and the living environment. a) Discuss FIVE social impacts of computers in industry and education centers.
19. Explain FIVE generations of computer operating systems.