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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6 : Installation of Computer Software past paper November 2023

Mention FOUR activities performed during user training

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Questions List:

1. Describe each of the following terms: a) System-level utility software b) The Graphical User Interface (GUI)
2. Distinguish between open source and off-the-shelf methods of software acquisition.
3. Mary intends to acquire software for her company. Enumerate any FOUR factors she should consider before selecting the software.
4. State THREE types of operating systems.
5. State the role of the following utility software in a computer system. i. Anti-virus ii. Merge iii. Compressor
6. Give TWO items that should come along with authentic software.
7. Identify THREE types of functional testing
8. Mention FOUR activities performed during user training
9. Explain THREE parameters to be tested during non-functional software testing.
10. Discuss TWO types of software maintenance.
11. Outline THREE roles and responsibilities of a software configuration manager
12. You have been contracted by the government of Kenya as an ICT consultant to supply the computers to the public institution and install all the software that are required by the institution a) Using a well-labeled diagram, illustrate at least TEN steps that could be followed to deliver the training module on how to use the software installed on the computers.
13. Information security is important when installing computer software. Explain THREE types of data controls that could be considered when installing software
14. Identify FOUR strategies that should be employed to ensure efficient and accurate software release management during software configuration.
15. Mr. Alex operates a computer bureau which specializes in preparing customer curriculum vitae, developing business cards and printing annual reports for the organization. a) Discuss FOUR types of application software that Mr. Alex should have installed in his computers.
16. Describe SIX types of installations that he would use to install software on his new computers that he has purchased due to the increase in the number of clients for better production.
17. Describe SIX types of installations that he would use to install software on his new computers that he has purchased due to the increase in the number of clients for better production.
18. Most public institutions in Kenya have embraced digital transformation for education and research for students, the IT department of each institution was requested to install software in their computers and ensure that the software’s were configured (a) Highlight at least SIX key areas of importance in software configuration
19. State SIX advantages of functional testing.
20. Computer software is classified according to end-users licensing, acquisition, and purpose. Describe FOUR types of system software.
21. You are an IT expert working in an ICT firm as a salesperson; you realize that the sales for software have reduced. Discuss FIVE factors that could have led to this reduction in software acquisition.
22. Explain FIVE benefits of implementing preventive software maintenance.