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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: March 2024

A supermarket that have several branches uses a distributed database system. Explain three benefit it could accrue from this system

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Questions List:

1. State four database system users
2. Outline four properties of a relation in database management system
3. With the aid of a diagram, describe a two-tier client-server architecture
4. Distinguish between domain and tuple as used in relational databases
5. Write the equivalent relational algebra statements for each of the following relational calculus statements:
6. Outline two rules applied in 3NF during normalization process
7. Describe three components of a database management system
8. The following are elements of logical and physical database designs. Logical physical Entity primary key Attribute column Relationship table Unique identifier foreign key Match each logical element with its respective physical element
9. Mark preferred to use a prototype to develop a database. Explain two circumstances that could have led to this preference
10. Sylvia used un-normalized tables when developing a database. Explain two challenges she could encounter when using tables
11. Outline two application areas of database systems
12. Describe two database systems classified according to the number of users
13. Explain three views in a 3-tier database architecture
14. Differentiate between commit and rollback commands as used in SQL
15. Joan intends to develop a database system that supports a be may to many relationship. Describe two database models she could use
16. Outline two conditions necessary for relations to be union compatible
17. Outline four benefits of storing data using cloud computing technology
18. Describe each of the following notations in an entity Relationship Diagram
19. Differentiate between entity integrity and referential integrity as used in database systems
20. Janet prefers to use views rather than base tables in SQL. Explain three reasons for this preference
21. Outline two types of aliases in SQL
22. A supermarket that have several branches uses a distributed database system. Explain three benefit it could accrue from this system
23. Explain the term correlated sub query as used in SQL
24. Distinguish between degree and cardinality in a database
25. Table 1 shows details of items ordered by a customer. Use it to answer the question that follows Normalize the table to 2 NF
26. Explain the term closure property in relational algebra
27. Jacqueline added a record in a database table. Explain three properties of such a transaction
28. Table 2 shows details of employees in a company. Use it to answer the questions that follow (i) Using appropriate data type, Write an SQL statement to generate this table (ii) Write an SQL Statement to: i. Add the first record into table ii. Delete the last record from the table iii. Change the name of Thomas to Samuel. iv)Display the least salary.
29. Explain the term self-join as used in SQL
30. Table labelled A and B Show students name and marks scored in an examination. Use these table to answer the question that follow:
31. The following are commands in SQL; ALTER, DROP, MERGE, and SELECT. Classify each command as either Data Definition Language or Data Manipulation Language. (4 marks)
32. Sarah added an index to a database table. Describe three types of indexes she could have used.
33. In a school, a student is identified by Admission number, Name and Date of birth. Each student takes only one course. A course is taken by many students. A course has a unique course Number and course name. A course has many subjects with a subject number and subject Name. Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram to represent this logic

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