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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2016

List three sources of finance for buying construction plant

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Questions List:

1. State four essential requirements of a good workshop.
2. State four factors to consider when selecting a site for a workshop.
3. State three local authorities requirements before establishing a workshop
4. Outline three factors to consider when designing a masonry workshop
5. Briefly describe the duties of the following site personnel in material procurement: (I)site supervisor; (ii)procurement officer; (iii)storekeeper.
6. Explain the following documents as used in procurement: (i) advise note; (ii) delivery note; (ii) invoice.
7. Explain how the following materials are stored on site: (i) roofing files; (ii) cement in 50 kg bags; (iii) iron mongery.
8. Describe the function of materials schedule on site
9. Explain the purpose of site inventory
10. List six preliminary items on construction site
11. State three purposes of preliminary items on construction site
12. State six factors to be considered in a site layout
13. Explain how 'piferage' can be reduced on construction site
14. List three sources of finance for buying construction plant
15. Briefly describe the following contract: i) cost reimbursement; ii) package deal; (iii) item rate.
16. List three types of tendering methods
17. Explain the following structure of an organization: (i) line organization; (ii) line and staff organization
18. Explain any two ways of disciplining workers
19. State three reasons for 'incentive' at work place
20. Briefly explain the following mode of communication on site: (i) oral; (ii) written.
21. State any six factors that may be considered in site investigation
22. Explain the term 'Method statement' as used in the construction industry
23. State six characteristics of a good programme
24. State four roles of trade unions in the building industry
25. List any three categories of institutions under Industrial Training Act
26. With respect to the 'factories act' explain the precautions that must be taken to ensure the health of the employees is safe guarded against: (i) dermatities; (ii) silicosis; (iii) asbestosis; (iv) bronchitis.
27. Explain the following terms as used in the factories act: (i)Improvement notice; (iii) Prohibitive notice