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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2014

State three factors which influence plant efficiency.

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Questions List:

1. Define the term 'motivation".
2. Outline four methods of motivating workers on site.
3. Outline four principles of disciplining a worker on site
4. State four undesirable outcomes of indiscipline on site
5. State two advantages and two disadvantages of selective tendering
6. Explain the responsibilities of each of the following parties to a contract: (i) local authority. (ii) factory inspector: (iii) client during construction; (iv) client upon completion; (v) quantity surveyor during contract period; (vi) builder on completion of project
7. Explain each of the following in an organisational structure: (i) specialisation of activities; (ii) standardisation of activities; iii) centralisation of decision making
8. State three factors which influence plant efficiency.
9. Distinguish between alphabetical and subject filing systems and state an example in each case
10. Outline five principles of a filing system
11. Outline five objectives of planned maintenance
12. Explain each of the following (i) permanent equipment; (ii) expendable materials; (iii) consumable materials; (iv) quotation form; (v) requisition form; (vi) local purchase order.
13. Explain the duties of the following with reference to safety on site: (i) site management; (ii) safety officer;
14. Outline five characteristics of a good site with regard to labour organisation
15. Explain the term "progress control' on site
16. Explain the term "progress control' on site
17. Outline four purposes of progress control on site.
18. Outline how each of the following is recorded on site: (i) work (II) materials; (III) labour; (IV) payments.
19. Outline two purposes of fencing a site
20. State four factors which influence the choice of a fence on site
21. Explain three essential services on a site.
22. List two factors that influence the storage facilities of a material
23. Outline the purpose of hoarding on a site
24. Outline five factors considered when purchasing a new office equipment
25. Explain the information an estimator should include in his report of site investigation at the pretender stage before calculating his unit rates for each of the following: (i) access to site; (ii) site layout.
26. Explain the method of storing each of the following on site: (i) cement; (ii) timber; (iii) reinforcement; (iv) scaffold tubes.
27. Outline three activities performed during site clearing