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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 5 : Manage Operating System past paper November 2022

Differentiate between Multitasking and Multiprogramming

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Questions List:

1. Which of the following operating system reads and reacts in actual time? (1 mark) A. Quick Response System B. Real Time System C. Time Sharing System D. Batch Processing System
2. What is the purpose of an operating system? (1 mark) A. To make the most efficient use of computer hardware B. To allow people to use the computer C. To keep system programmer employed D. To make computer easier to use
3. section is dynamically allocated memory to a process during run time. (1 mark) A. Stack B. Text C. Data D. Heap
4. The Banker’s algorithm is used to? (1 mark) A. to rectify deadlock B. to detect deadlock C. to prevent deadlock D. to solve a deadlock
5. Which command is used to display the contents of the text file of DOS? (1 mark) A. Copy con B. Copy C. Type D. Dir
6. The most recent version of MAC OS is based on the operating system (1 mark) A. Windows B. Linux C. Unix D. CMOS
7. Which one of the following is not a multitasking operating system? (1 mark) A. DOS B. Windows C. Unix D. Linux
8. The is the drive containing the files to be copied (1 mark) A. Source drive B. Destination drive C. USB drive D. USB memory maker drive
9. Which type of command requires additional files to perform specific operations? (1 mark) A. Internal commands B. External commands C. Valuable commands D. Primary commands
10. Which mode loads minimal set of drivers when starting Windows? (1 mark) A. Safe Mode B. Normal Mode C. VGA Mode D. Network Support Mode
11. Which category of software is most appropriate for controlling the design and layout of complex document like newsletters and brochure? (1 mark) A. Word processing B. Computer aided design C. Web page authoring D. Desktop publishing
12. When is Sleep option chosen? (1 mark) A. When the computer is tired after working for the whole day B. When you are leaving for a very short time and want to resume your work shortly C. When computer hangs frequently. Let it sleep for some time D. When you finish working and going to bed
13. Which of the following is not an operating system? (1 mark) A. DOS B. Linux C. Windows D. Oracle
14. Which program runs first after computer is booted and loading GUI? (1 mark) A. Desktop Manager B. File Manager C. Windows Explorer D. Authentication
15. A file is named, for the convenience of its human users, and is referred to by its? (1 mark) A. Name B. Type C. Identifier D. Size
16. Linux is a operating system (1 mark) A. Open source B. Microsoft C. Windows D. Mac
17. Memory hierarchy comprises of Disk, RAM Memory, and Caches, select the increasing order of their access time by CPU for an instruction or data. (1 mark) A. Disk, RAM, Caches B. RAM, Disk, Caches C. Caches, RAM, Disk D. RAM, Caches, Disk
18. Which of the following is not application software? (1 mark) A. Windows NT B. Page Maker C. WinWord XP D. Photoshop
19. What is used to reset system time and date if it is wrong? (1 mark) A. Write B. Calendar C. Write file D. Control panel
20. What is Microsoft Windows? (1 mark) A. Operating system B. Graphic program C. Word Processing D. Database program
21. Batch operating system does not interact with the computer directly. Outline four advantages of this type of operating system.
22. Briefly outline four goals of I/O system software.
23. Define & explain Assembler, Loader and Compiler
24. Explain four operating system services
25. With the aid of a diagram describe the Spooling process
26. Differentiate between Multitasking and Multiprogramming
27. Differentiate a process from a program
28. Briefly outline three memory placement techniques
29. State any three CPU Scheduling criteria.
30. Describe the components of the Process Control Block
31. Differentiate the three types of schedulers
32. Explain what is context switching
33. Consider the following set of four processes. Their arrival time and time required to complete the execution are given in the following table. Calculate the average waiting time and average turnaround time.
34. Differentiate between the process and the thread.
35. Access is permitted or denied depending upon several factors in file management, one of which is the type of access requested. Outline any four operations on files that can be controlled.
36. Explain Scheduling Queues
37. Explain in brief race condition
38. Define the term critical section
39. What are the four requirements for critical section problem?
40. Name and explain any six File Attributes
41. With a use of a well labelled diagram, describe contiguous file allocation technique.
42. Explain the concept of I/O Hardware.
43. Define and Explain Direct Memory Access.