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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2015

(i) two types of trade unions;
(ii) two roles of trade unions.

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Questions List:

1. Outline four factors to be considered when selecting a site for a workshop
2. State seven local authority's requirements on development of buildings
3. Explain the term "Local Authority Planned Zone".
4. Explain five factors considered for a workshop layout design
5. Explain each of the following documents used in the procurement of materials: (i)invoice: (ii) delivery notes: (iii) material transfer: (iv) requisition.
6. Outline four reasons for keeping records
7. Explain four essential services for a workshop
8. Outline six objectives of a construction site layout:
9. State four storage requirements for each of the following materials: I. cement; II. timer: III. aggregates.
10. Explain each of the following as applied to plant and equipment: (i) planned maintenance: (ii) routine maintenance
11. Highlight four financial institutions available for plant and equipment funding
12. State four contract documents for a building project
13. Outline two reasons, for non-refundable tender fee
14. Explain four circumstances under which the client is not bound to accept the lowest tender submitted.
15. State four duties for each of the following on a building project: (i) clerk of works; (ii) site agent.
16. Describe an organization structure
17. Explain three pre-tender planning functions in an organization
18. Outline four requirements of an incentive scheme
19. State four objectives of incentive scheme
20. List two types of financial schemes and two types for non-financial schemes
21. Describe each of the following documents used in an office for a construction site: (i) daily report sheets: (ii) plant record sheets; iii) site dairy. (iv) daywork sheets.
22. Explain two filing systems in an office
23. Explain four deductions that are effected in the payroll during wage preparation
24. Outline two requirements of each of the following (i) health: (ii) safety: (iii) welfare.
25. Outline four causes of industrial action by workers on site.
26. Explain: (i) two types of trade unions; (ii) two roles of trade unions.
27. Explain the purpose of the following in contract planning (i) site investigation: (ii) method statement
28. Explain four characteristics of contract planning