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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Site and Workshop Management past paper July 2018

Explain how each of the following is used in estimating quantity of materials during a construction period:
(i) taking off;
(ii) squaring:
(iii) abstracting

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Questions List:

1. State six factors to consider when selecting a workshop site.
2. State three roles of each of the following parties to a contract: (i) suppliers; (ii) local authority.
3. Explain four spaces to be allocated in design of a workshop
4. Explain four contract documents
5. Explain three ways of motivating workers in an organization
6. Define each of the following terms used in procurement: (i) quotation; (ii) specification; (iii) requisition; (iv) invoice.
7. State three advantages of each of the following stores: (i) centralized; (ii) decentralized.
8. Explain three reasons for hoarding commodities in a site store
9. Explain each of the following as used in store keeping: (i) stock; (ii) re-order level; (iii) stock review.
10. State four methods of tendering
11. State four roles of trade unions
12. Explain how each of the following is used in estimating quantity of materials during a construction period: (i) taking off; (ii) squaring: (iii) abstracting
13. Outline four safety rules to be observed in a workshop
14. Explain four factors that influence a workshop layout
15. State six functions of a site layout
16. Explain the three types of maintenance of construction plants
17. Explain two safety precautions related to each of the following: (i) construction plant; (ii) personnel
18. Explain three sources of capital for financing construction plants
19. Describe four factors to consider in the design of a site layout
20. Explain two types of organizational structures in a construction firm
21. Explain three methods of filing documents
22. State three advantages of each of the methods of communication: (i) verbal; (ii) written.
23. Explain four factors considered when buying office machines