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<=CDAAC ICT Technician Level 6: Perform Graphic Design past paper July 2023

Explain FOUR types of signs used in graphic design as visual expressions of information. (8 Marks)

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define the following terms as applied in graphical design. a) kerning; (2 Marks) b) leading; (2 Marks) c) tracking; (2 Marks)
2. List FIVE types of lines used to connect two or more points in graphic designs. (5 Marks)
3. Identify FOUR types of colors used by graphic designers. (4 Marks)
4. Highlight at least FIVE features of well-designed symbols in graphic design. (5 Marks)
5. A designer requires design equipment in his workshop. Explain TWO uses of a scanner in a graphic design workshop. (2 Marks)
6. State FOUR properties of vectors used to produce dots and lines images. (4 Marks)
7. Designing graphics will depend on the techniques used. As an expert, state FOUR types of typography techniques. (4 Marks)
8. Principles of graphic design are key before one performs graphic design. Highlight SIX principles applied in graphic design. (6 Marks)
9. Identify FOUR basic application areas of a multi-page layout in modern graphic design technology. (4 Marks)
10. Explain FOUR professional skills required by a graphic designer. (8 Marks)
11. Jane has approached you to design graphics on her shirt, explain THREE elements of graphic design you will use. (6 Marks)
12. Describe THREE types of rhythms as an element of graphics that a designer may consider during designing. (6 Marks)
13. Explain FOUR types of signs used in graphic design as visual expressions of information. (8 Marks)
14. Describe FOUR ways in which copyright supports Kenyan artists in their innovation work. (8 Marks)
15. Differentiate between complementary and simultaneous contrast in graphic design. (4 Marks)
16. In graphic design, one of the important elements is to apply typography techniques, explain FOUR classifications of serif typography applied by designers. (8 Marks)
17. Describe THREE types of printing technologies that a designer may use to print his design. (6 Marks)
18. Discuss THREE types of balance applied in equal distribution of visual weights. (6 Marks)
19. Explain THREE techniques of image manipulation in graphic design. (6 Marks)
20. James is designing an advertisement. Describe THREE categories of shapes he will use in the design. (6 Marks)
21. Discuss FOUR tools used in Corel Draw software during graphic design. (8 Marks)