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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6: Perform Graphic Design past paper March 2023

Define the following terms as applied in graphical design.
i. Typography (2 Marks)
ii. Typeface (2 Marks)
iii. Tracking (2 Marks)

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define the following terms as applied in graphical design. i. Typography (2 Marks) ii. Typeface (2 Marks) iii. Tracking (2 Marks)
2. Principles of graphic design are key before one performs graphic design. As an expert, highlight six principles that are applied in graphic design. (6 Marks)
3. List five types of printing designs used in graphic design that enable visual communication of the design to the audience. (5 Marks)
4. Identify four basic application areas of a multi-page layout in modern graphic design technology. (4 Marks)
5. Designing graphics will depend on the techniques used. As an expert, state four types of typography techniques. (4 Marks)
6. Identify four techniques that can be used to manipulate images in order to make the design attractive to the client. (4 Marks)
7. Graphic design software is used for creating and editing images. Highlight five software that are used in graphic design. (5 Marks)
8. A designer requires design equipment in his workshop. Explain two importance of a scanner in graphic design workshop. (2 Marks)
9. Explain two roles of anatomy in graphic design. (4 Marks)
10. Diana has approached you to design graphics on his t-shirts that he would use for the public rally. Explain three elements of graphic design you might decide to use. (6 Marks)
11. Describe three characteristics of size as an element of graphics that the designer may consider during designing. (6 Marks)
12. Discuss four types of electronic image files used in graphic design. (8 Marks)
13. In graphic design, one of the important elements is to apply typography techniques. Explain four classifications of serif typography that a designer may apply. (8 Marks)
14. Explain four differences between print media and digital media as used in graphic design. (8 Marks)
15. Colors have an immediate impact on the viewers and address their subconsciousness. Discuss additive and subtractive colors in graphic design. (4 Marks)
16. Explain three types of printing technologies that a designer may use to print his design. (6 Marks)
17. A student in class was arguing that graphic design is outdated and not important in modern society. As an expert in this area, explain three types of graphic design in modern society. (6 Marks)
18. James, as a graphic designer, is developing an advertisement poster for a certain institution. Describe three categories of colors that he will use in the design. (6 Marks)
19. Discuss four tools that are used in Adobe Illustrator software during graphic design. (8 Marks)
20. Describe four ways in which copyright supports artists when coming up with their new innovations in the modern world. (8 Marks)
21. Discuss three design principles that are used for arranging or organizing design elements in graphic design. (6 Marks)