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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 5 : Perform Computer Networking past paper November 2022

Distinguish between nodes and links as used in networking. (4 Marks)

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Questions List:

1. A networking component that forwards data packets between a computer network is... (1 Mark) A. Router B. Gateway C. Switch D. Hub
2. The arrangement of nodes and connection within a network is called... (1 Mark) A. Internet B. Interconnectivity C. Topology D. Configuration
3. A link that carries traffic between two devices it connects is called... (1 Mark) A. Connected B. Dedicated C. Linked D. Related
4. Which of the following is a type of a network testing tool... (1 Mark) A. Light tester B. Voltmeter C. Spanner D. Clips
5. Which of the following is the role of the presentation layer in the network... (1 Mark) A. Used for file transfer B. Manages the syntax and semantics of information C. Establishes sessions D. Establishes dialogue control
6. The TCP/IP reference model is made up of... layers. (1 Mark) A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D. 7
7. Which of the following is a type of network protocol model used in network architecture? (1 Mark) A. TCT/IP B. FTP C. IP D. IPM
8. Which of the following is technology used to connect wirelessly... (1 Mark) A. Optic fibre B. Gateway C. Ethernet D. Bluetooth
9. Which of the following is a wired network connection media... (1 Mark) A. Sigfox B. Fibre optic C. Bluetooth D. Lora
10. What type of a network is used to connect computers and machines to enable them to share resources e.g. printers fax etc.? (1 Mark) A. LAN B. PAN C. WAN D. GAN
11. Define the term HTTP. (1 Mark) A. Hypertext transmission protocol B. Hypertext transmission plan C. Hypertext transfer plan D. Hypertext transfer protocol
12. When a message is sent to a single node from a source is referred to as... (1 Mark) A. Single casting B. Broadcasting C. Unicasting D. One casting
13. SMTP uses which protocol at the transport layer? (1 Mark) A. TCP B. UDP C. IP D. None of the above
14. Which of the following layers is responsible for routing? (1 Mark) A. Physical layer B. Data link layer C. Network layer D. Transport layer
15. Which of the following is a private address? (1 Mark) A. B. C. D.
16. The following are network components except... (1 Mark) A. Switches B. Hubs C. Ports D. Windows
17. Which of the following is an example of network operating system? (1 Mark) A. MS-DOS B. Microsoft Windows User C. UNIX D. All of the above
18. In a data communication system the sender is a component that sends data. Which one is a device used by the sender? (1 Mark) A. Coaxial cable B. Radios waves C. Video camera D. Television
19. Which of the following represents popular forms of data to be transmitted via a network? (1 Mark) A. Voice message B. Songs C. Text D. Message
20. A communication mode where one of the two devices can transmit while the other one receives is known as... (1 Mark) A. Unidirectional mode B. Simplex mode C. Half duplex D. Full duplex
21. List any five components of a data communication system. (5 Marks)
22. List down any four forms of data representation as used in networking. (4 Marks)
23. List four factors to be considered when selecting network criteria. (4 Marks)
24. Define the term protocol. (2 Marks)
25. Differentiate between point-to-point connection and a multi-point connection as used in networking.
26. Explain any two types of computer networks. (4 Marks)
27. Distinguish between nodes and links as used in networking. (4 Marks)
28. Differentiate between a hub and a switch as used in networking. (4 Marks)
29. State any four transmission media used in network. (4 Marks)
30. Mention any three forms of wireless data transmission used in a network. (3 Marks)
31. Explain two models used for remote connections and communication in a network. (4 Marks)
32. Topology is the physical layout of the network connecting the nodes and links. Discuss any five network topologies. (20 Marks)
33. Describe layers of the TCP/IP model giving details of the activities taking place at each layer. (20 Marks)
34. While configuring network devices, Tom was advised to use network protocols. As an expert in this field, discuss five protocols that he may have applied. (20 Marks)