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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 5 : Perform Computer Networking past paper November 2023

Select the purpose of a DNS server as used in network configuration:
A. To convert IP addresses to domain names
B. To manage network security policies
C. To create a secure VPN Connection
D. To secure email communications

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Questions List:

1. What type of network covers a small geographic area, such as a home, office, or campus? A. WAN (Wide Area Network) B. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) C. LAN (Local Area Network) D. PAN (Personal Area Network)
2. Which of the following is an example of a physical network topology? A. Star B. Bus C. Mesh D. Token Ring
3. Robert is creating a central network. Select the device he will need to connect multiple devices in a local area network (LAN): A. Router B. Modem C. Hub D. Firewall
4. An institution has a modem included in their network setup. Why do you think its important to have it there? A. Data encryption B. Network security C. Converting digital data to analog signals and vice versa D. Routing data between devices
5. Choose the primary function of the "ping" command in network configuration: A. To send a test packet to a network device to check if it's reachable B. To configure DNS settings C. To list network interfaces D. To create a virtual private network
6. In a network configuration, which method allows devices to obtain IP addresses automatically from a DHCP server? A. Static IP addressing B. Dynamic IP addressing C. Manual IP addressing D. APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing)
7. When configuring network protocols, select the role of a port number: A. To identify a network device B. To determine the network's IP address C. To specify the type of service or application D. To encrypt data traffic
8. During network protocol configuration at Musembe Enterprises, a firewall is installed. Choose the primary purpose of the firewall: A. To route data between devices B. To establish secure VPN connections C. To manage IP addressing D. To block unauthorized network traffic
9. In the context of network device configuration, what does the term "bandwidth" refer to? A. The physical width of a network cable B. The maximum data transfer rate of a network connection C. The number of devices connected to a network D. The network's geographical coverage
10. Select the purpose of a DNS server as used in network configuration: A. To convert IP addresses to domain names B. To manage network security policies C. To create a secure VPN Connection D. To secure email communications
11. You are assigned to carry out testing in a network infrastructure, Pick the main goal for this: A. To identify potential network security threats B. To optimize network aesthetics C. To reduce network scalability D. To ensure network reliability, performance, and security
12. Ratti just used the "traceroute" command. Identify what she is trying to identify on the network: A. To encrypt data transmissions B. To test network connectivity and display the path taken by packets C. To identify network vulnerabilities D. To manage DNS settings
13. The "ping" command is commonly used when setting up a network. Pick the reason why you would use it: A. To measure the time it takes to download a file B. To encrypt network traffic D. To send a message to a remote device and check for a response C. To create a virtual network
14. In the context of network types, what does "CAN" typically stand for? A. Campus Area Network B. Controller Area Network C. Corporate Access Network D. Centralized Area Network
15. Which network connection media is most suitable for long-distance data transmission and high-speed internet connections? A. Twisted pair cable B. Coaxial cable C. Fiber optic cable D. USB cable
16. As a student you are given the below cables to use during your practical exams. Choose which one is not a network connection media: A. Ethernet cable B. Fiber optic cable C. Wi-Fi D. USB cable
17. What technology is often used to connect a laptop to an external hard drive or a keyboard and mouse to a computer? A. Ethernet B. USB C. Wi-Fi D. ISDN
18. St Veronica Hospital had a link failure in their network. Pick the network architecture that would help them reroute traffic quickly: A. Bus B. Client-Server C. Mesh D. Ring
19. ___________________ is a device commonly used to extend the range of a wireless network, allowing devices to connect in areas with a weak signal. A. Repeater B. Switch C. Hub D. Bridge
20. When assigning IP addresses __________ is used to ensure they are within the correct IP range? A. DNS Server B. Network Scanner C. Cable Tester D. DHCP Server
21. Name FOUR things one will see in a network test report. (4 Marks)
22. Khwatenge wants to set up a network in his organization. State THREE essential components he will require. (3 Marks)
23. Define a network operating system. (2 Marks)
24. Give THREE ways a network operating system is used in a business environment. (3 Marks)
25. Give FOUR reasons why it is important to connect network devices correctly. (4 Marks)
26. Peter a network designer was tasked to set a computer network katakana Technical Institute. He was given a coaxial cable, 5 computers, 1 printer, 2 terminators and drop cables. a) With the aid of a diagram, design the most appropriate network topology that Peter could have set up. (4 Marks) b) Outline THREE disadvantages of the above topology. (3 Marks)
27. Give FOUR roles of IP as used in TCP/IP. (4 Marks)
28. Define troubleshooting as used in networks. (2 Marks)
29. A company has installed a mesh topology. Outline FOUR limitations of this topology. (4 Marks)
30. An organization that is located in ABC building has designed their network using 10base T Ethernet standard. Explain TWO characteristics of 10base T cables in Ethernet technology. (4 Marks)
31. Name any THREE advantages of fiber optic cables. (3 Marks)
32. Your school just visited Matumbai Research Institute to look at their network connection. Define any FOUR network devices you will come across during your visit. (8 Marks)
33. With the aid of a diagram, describe the TCP/IP model. (6 Marks)
34. Adiola bought a desktop computer which she intends to connect to the internet using LAN. Explain the procedure she could use. (6 Marks)
35. A router handles incoming packets even if the destination network is missing from the routing table. Explain how it does it. (2 Marks)
36. Discuss FOUR significances of wireless communication as a network connection medium. (8 Marks)
37. With the aid of a diagram, describe the THREE network topologies below: i) Point to Point Topology (2 Marks) ii) Hybrid Topology (2 Marks) iii) Star Topology (2 Marks)
38. Explain TWO characteristics of a Wide Area Network (WAN). (4 Marks)
39. Define network backbone. (2 Marks)
40. What is the difference between the Internet, Intranet, and Extranet? (6 Marks)
41. Outline FOUR major reasons to have network security. (4 Marks)
42. Configuring Windows clients for TCP/IP involves installing and configuring the TCP/IP network protocol. Outline the steps involved. (6 Marks)
43. What is the work of the "ping" command? (2 Marks)

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