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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Maintenance and Support past paper: November 2016

Explain two reasons for shutting down a computer before replacing a faulty Random Access Memory (RAM) chip.

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Questions List:

1. Differentiate between attended and unattended software installation.
2. Explain two reasons for shutting down a computer before replacing a faulty Random Access Memory (RAM) chip.
3. Outline four activities that should be carried out during active computer maintenance.
4. Explain two circumstances under which an organization may carry out preventive computer maintenance.
5. Describe two components of a computer chipset.
6. Distinguish between Trojan and exploit computer viruses.
7. Moses was troubleshooting a computer that had a hard disk failure. Outline four possible causes of this problem.
8. Describe each of the following terms as used in computer hardware inventory: (i)Model number; (ii)Serial number.
9. Mouse as an input device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a Display screen. Outline four categories of this device that could be used with computers.
10. Explain the term Master boot record (MBR) as used in computers.
11. Describe the term high performance computing (HPC) as applied in computers.
12. Explain each of the following types of disks as used in computer system: (i)Restore disk; (ii)Installation disk.
13. Outline five measures that could be taken while handling re-writable compact disks.
14. Ann was required to troubleshoot a faulty motherboard of laptop. Explain two tools that she could use.
15. Figure 1 shows signs that represent I/O port in a computer system. Use it to answer the questions that follows. Outline the function of the sign labelled (i) and (ii).
16. Susan realized that Her computer was not connecting to local area network. Explain three possible causes of this problem.
17. List two example of non-impact printers.
18. Distinguish between real-time and off-line uninterrupted power supply (UPS) units.
19. Maureen was creating system backup file on a removable disk and an error ‘file system not supported’ appeared on the screen of her computer. (i)Explain the cause of the error message. (ii)Explain two methods of the correcting the error in (i)
20. A technician was setting CMOS in a new computer. write the acronym CMOS in full.
21. Kate was troubleshooting a laptop that displayed a blank screen but when connected to external monitor it displayed the graphical user interface. Explain two causes of this problem
22. Victor was required to back up the data in his company system: (i)Outline three types of back up strategies that he could use. (ii)Explain two factors that he could consider while choosing a backup strategy.
23. Pauline wishes to identify Socket T for her computer’s processor. Explain two features of the socket that could guide her.
24. Annette chose to use an external hard disk to store her picture and videos. Outline three reason for her choice.
25. Differentiate between erasable programmable read-only memory(EPROM) and electrical erasable programmable read-only memory. (EEPROM).
26. Job was required to list functions of computer’s BIOS during a job interview. Outline four function that he could have listed.
27. John was required to conduct computer typing lesson for staff in his company. Outline four categories of keyboard keys he could mention.