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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6: Apply Basic Electronics past paper November 2022

Explain the formation of a depletion Layer in a pn junction

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define an electronic circuit
2. Describe any FOUR components found in an electronic circuit
3. Briefly describe any FOUR types of electrical circuits
4. Distinguish between a loop network and a mesh network of an electric circuit
5. Define electrical resistance
6. Outline any TWO application areas of holographic memory in a computer
7. List any FOUR types of capacitors
8. Differentiate between an atom and atomic structure
9. Describe the structure of a matter
10. Name any TWO types of semiconductor materials used.
11. Distinguish between P-Type materials and N-Type materials giving examples in each one of them
12. Using an example illustrate why a PN Junction is used
13. Explain how valence electrons determine the electrical properties of a material
14. Describe the valence band, conduction band and forbidden energy gap with the help of energy level diagram
15. List three important properties of semiconductors
16. Define a semi-conductor in terms of resistivity
17. Explain the formation of a depletion Layer in a pn junction
18. Discuss the behavior of a pn junction under forward biasing
19. Define the following terms: i. Breakdown voltage ii. Knee voltage
20. Explain the operation of transistor as an amplifier
21. Name the three possible transistor connections
22. In a transistor, β = 45, the voltage across 5kΩ resistance which is connected in the collector circuit is 5 volts. Find the base current for the common emitter connection
23. With aid of a sketch, outline the configurations of PN junction diode showing both the input signal and output
24. Discuss any six challenges of emerging trends in electronic manufacturing

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