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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6: Apply Basic Electronics past paper July 2023

Explain ONE difference between a decimal and a hexadecimal number system

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Questions List:

1. Define the term circuit as used in electronics
2. Identify THREE components of an electronic circuit
3. Name THREE parameters that are measured in an electric circuit
4. Differentiate between analog and digital circuit
5. Briefly explain the role of the following in an electronic circuit
6. State the Ohm’s Law
7. Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductor materials
8. Demonstrate with the aid of a diagram the operation of a transistor as a switch
9. Explain ONE difference between a decimal and a hexadecimal number system
10. Outline THREE advantages of binary coding
11. Enumerate THREE benefits of using BCD arithmetic for numerical representation
12. Describe how to determine electrical resistance in a circuit
13. Illustrate with the aid of a diagram FIVE main differences between AC and DC Circuits.
14. Describe how biasing a p-n junction affects its forward and reverse bias characteristics
15. Explain TWO major storage levels in a computer, giving an example in each.
16. Study the circuit diagram below and answer the questions that follow i. Calculate the total resistance. (4 Marks) ii. Calculate the current.
17. List FOUR types of number systems used in computers
18. Discuss THREE different types of semiconductor memory in modern technology
19. Outline FOUR importance of semiconductors
20. Using binary arithmetic, explain systematically how two’s complement can be used to represent negative five (-5). Provide the result.
21. Explain the following types of voltages in relation to semiconductor d
22. Discuss the role of the following electronic components citing their application in the industry i) Motors ii) Circuit breakers iii) Relays iv) Microcontroller v) Fuse
23. Highlight THREE types of integrated circuits
24. Identify FOUR advantages and THREE disadvantages of integrated circuits in comparison to other components