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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 5 : Install Computer Software past paper March 2023

Backing data is critical before performing the software installation. Explain four ways of backing data.

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Questions List:

1. Which of the following software can be categorized as system software? A. DBM B. MS-DOS C. Spreadsheet D. Word Processing
2. ________________is a set of instructions given to a computer system to perform a specific task. A. Program B. Data C. File D. Access
3. __________works as an interface between computer user and computer hardware. A. Utility software B. Application software C. Virus D. Operating system
4. Which of the following program adds functionality to the computer system and ensures smooth functioning? A. Application software B. System software C. Utility software D. Ms Outlook
5. Which features limits the compatibility between Linux and MS-Windows? A. Device drivers B. Folder name C. Log-in Credentials D. Folder size
6. Which one of the following is not a method of acquiring software? A. Piracy B. Open source C. Downloading D. Lending
7. What utility program could one use to safely remove a program from the computer? A. Backup program B. File compression program C. Troubleshooting program D. Uninstall program
8. Which one of the following is not an example of system software? A. Word Processor B. Language Translator C. Utility Software D. Communication Software
9. A person who designs computer programs is called _________________ A. System Programmer B. System Analyst C. User D. Software Manager
10. Among the list provided which one is not an operating system? A. Virtual Box B. Sun C. Linux D. Mac
11. Software that is designed and sold as ready-for-use over the counter is known as; A. In-house B. Custom C. Open source D. Off-shelf
12. What is software installation? A. It is performing service pack B. It is the act of making a program ready for execution. C. It is the act of configuring a software. D. It is step by step process of setting system setting.
13. The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific purposes are known as_____________________. A. Hardware B. Shareware C. Application D. System
14. A computer virus is a _______________________. A. Hardware B. Software C. Freeware D. Spam
15. _____________is the illegal reproduction and distribution of software application. A. Sorting B. Piracy C. Cracker D. Virus
16. Programs that enable the operating system to communicate with specific types of hardware are known as? A. Drives B. Drivers C. Interface Cards D. Ports
17. Which of the following is a utility program? A. Disk defragmenter B. Windows Player C. Word processor D. Games
18. What is a clean installation? A. A clean installation includes upgrade of applications and settings from previous installations. B. A clean installation includes eradication of applications and settings from previous installations. C. A clean installation starts by formatting the hard drive. D. A clean installation includes overriding only some previous installation.
19. What software is always running as long as the computer is on? A. A word processor B. An operating system C. A web browser D. Photoshop
20. Which of the following is an example of non-proprietary software? A. Windows B. Macintosh C. Linux D. Ms Office 2000
21. Explain the importance of software testing
22. Explain three software configuration components.
23. List four types of operating systems.
24. Backing data is critical before performing the software installation. Explain four ways of backing data.
25. System requirements is one of the considerations when installing software. Explain the reason why it is important.
26. User training plays an important role in installing software. Identify five key elements to consider when developing an end-user training plan.
27. State four classifications of system software.
28. Outline three sources of software installation.
29. Explain two elements contained in the software installation checklist.
30. Ann was arguing that software configuration was not important. Advise her why it’s important.
31. The principal of Mary Girls’ High School has approached you as an expert to help in installing a management information system on the school’s administration computer. Discuss five types of installation you may decide to employ.
32. Juma, who had recently purchased a new laptop for his hardware business, wanted to install software on it to assist in the production of sales receipts. He was, however, advised to consider computer requirements before installing any software on his laptop. As an expert in this area, kindly advise Juma on the computer requirements he needs to consider.
33. Bata Company recently procured software to monitor their sales country-wide and has approached you to assist in carrying out software tests on their installed software. Formulate different types of software tests that you will carry out.