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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 6: Apply Basic Electronics past paper March 2023

Explain any two types of ROM

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Questions List:

1. Define the following as used in basic electronics: i. Cache Memory ii. Doping
2. Highlight any two advantages and two disadvantages of cache memory
3. Highlight four advantages of using Integrated Circuits
4. Outline any four characteristics of auxiliary memory
5. Explain the two types of RAM
6. Explain any two types of ROM
7. Differentiate between the following (4 Marks) a) A.C and D.C currents
8. Explain the following as used in electronics a) Hole current b) Current c) Voltage
9. Explain the following as used in atomic structure a) Atom b) Proton c) Neutron
10. Explain the two types of Electric Circuits
11. Calculate Voltage across 2Ω Resistor where supply V = 10 volts
12. If there are 3 Resistors R1, R2, and R3 in series and V is total voltage and I is total current then Voltage across R2 is?
13. Discuss any five electronic components and their functions
14. List four types of number systems used in computers
15. Convert the following Binary number to its decimal equivalent i) #11010_2 # ii)# 10110.001_2#
16. Convert (152A.25)₁₆ to octal.
17. Convert binary number 1101010₂ to hexadecimal number
18. Add 10111₂ + 110001₂
19. Define semiconductor
20. Outline five differences Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
21. Explain the two types of extrinsic semiconductor
22. With aid of a sketch, outline the PN junction diode showing the flow of current and depletion region formation
23. With aid of a sketch, outline the configurations of PN junction diode showing both the input signal and output
24. Discuss any six challenges of emerging trends in electronic manufacturing