Describe the process of blood clotting/ how does blood clotting take place in mammals?
-When the blood vessel is injured/cut; platelets or thrombocytes (or damaged tissue/ wound sustained) is exposed to air; an enzyme thrombokinase /thromboplastin is released; Calcium ions; activate thrombokinase /thromboplastin to neutralize heparin (anti-clotting factor); and to activate the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin; Vitamin k (Phylloquinone) is needed/required in the formation of prothrombin in the liver; Thrombin; (which is active enzyme) activates the conversion of Fibrinogen (soluble protein) into fibrin (insoluble protein); which forms a meshwork/network of fibres across a wound forming a clot; The clot formed prevents excessive bleeding/blood loss; entry of pathogens/microbes/micro-organisms/disease agents; and heals the wound;