Describe different phases/ stages of population growth in an ecosystem.
-Lag phase; The rate of population growth is low/no change in population; because the reproducing individuals are few/have not given birth/organisms have not adjusted to the environment/ organisms still maturing.
-Log/exponential phase; There is rapid/faster population growth rate; because the organisms have fully adjusted to the environment/the number of reproducing organisms is high/organisms have sexually matured/ there are enough resources e.g. food and space/no competition/ there are no diseases/ birth rate higher than death rate;
-Decelerating phase; there is reduced growth rate; because of competition as a result of increase in population/ overcrowding/ space/ food is limiting/ accumulation of wastes/ disease outbreak/ death rate higher than birth rate;
-Plateau phase; There is no increase/change in population; because of aged/old organisms/ death rate equal to birth rate/ limited resources;