Using relevant example explain industrial melanism.
-Example is Peppered moth (Biston betularia) in Britain; there are two types speckled white and black melanic; Before industrial revolution, the white speckled form was well camouflaged against tree trunks with similar pattern and colouration; The white speckled moths/ forms were not easily seen and eaten by predatory birds; hence their population increased; while the melanic forms were easily seen and eaten by predatory; birds hence their population decreased in population; therefore the white colour was an advantageous characteristics/ trait/ adaptation hence it was transmitted to the offspring leading to increase in number/ population;
-After industrialization the tree trunks was darkened by soot. This caused the melanic forms to blend well/ camouflage well with the background than the lighter forms; this led to increase in population of melanic forms while the lighter forms were easily seen and eaten by predatory; leading to decrease in population; Therefore dark colour became an advantageous characteristic/ trait/ adaptation which was passed to the offspring;