Describe/ explain the roles/ functions of different parts of the mammalian brain.


a)Cerebrum; It controls learning; imagination; thinking; personality; hearing; vision and taste; and controls voluntary body movements;
b)Cerebellum; maintains body balance and posture; and ensures dexterity in fine movements;
c)Medulla oblongata; controls involuntary responses (e.g. breathing, heartbeat, coughing, sneezing, swallowing, vomiting, salivation); dilation and constriction of the blood vessels (hence influencing blood pressure);
d)Hypothalamus; controls appetite; sleep; wakefulness and controls homeostasis (thermoregulation, osmo-regulation);
e)Thalamus; contains receptors for pain and pleasure;
f)Pituitary gland; secretes hormones; and controls other endocrine glands;
g)Pons; controls involuntary activities together with medulla oblongata;

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