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1.   Name the settler farmer who introduced wheat in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Name the settler farmer who introduced wheat in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:46:03 am
2.   State the main reason why the British government brought in coolies to construct the railway. (Answered)
State the main reason why the British government brought in coolies to construct the railway. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:45:31 am
3.   Give two features of the political organizations which were formed in Kenya before 1939. (Answered)
Give two features of the political organizations which were formed in Kenya before 1939. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:43:48 am
4.   Identify the main reasons why the Mijikenda lived in kayas. (Answered)
Identify the main reasons why the Mijikenda lived in kayas. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:42:29 am
5.   Give two natural factors that facilitated contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world by 1500 AD. (Answered)
Give two natural factors that facilitated contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world by 1500 AD. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:41:56 am
6.   Identify two species of early man whose remains were discovered in Kenya. (Answered)
Identify two species of early man whose remains were discovered in Kenya. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:41:06 am
7.   Name two Kenyan communities which are classified as plain Nilotes. (Answered)
Name two Kenyan communities which are classified as plain Nilotes. .
Posted On:Tue 25, May 2021 04:39:54 am
8.   Give the meaning of History (Answered)
Give the meaning of History .
Posted On:Wed 19, May 2021 17:43:19 pm
9.   What are the duty of a presiding officer during general elections in Kenya? (Answered)
What are the duty of a presiding officer during general elections in Kenya? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:46:34 am
10.   Explain factors which undermine national unity. (Answered)
Explain factors which undermine national unity. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:44:32 am
11.   What five situations can make a registered voter to be denied the right to vote in Kenya? (Answered)
What five situations can make a registered voter to be denied the right to vote in Kenya? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:43:16 am
12.   Explain the role played by KAU in the struggle for independence in Kenya. (Answered)
Explain the role played by KAU in the struggle for independence in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:41:22 am
13.   State problems that the Kenya Africa Union (KAU) faced after 1945. (Answered)
State problems that the Kenya Africa Union (KAU) faced after 1945. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:37:19 am
14.   What roles did women play in the struggle for independence in Kenya. (Answered)
What roles did women play in the struggle for independence in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:35:59 am
15.   Identify problems encountered by nationalists in Kenya up to 1939. (Answered)
Identify problems encountered by nationalists in Kenya up to 1939. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:34:13 am
16.   What were the consequences of Maasai collaboration? (Answered)
What were the consequences of Maasai collaboration? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:22:19 am
17.   Give reasons for the Maasai collaboration with the British in the 19th century. (Answered)
Give reasons for the Maasai collaboration with the British in the 19th century. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:19:22 am
18.   Describe the political organization of the Somali during pre-colonial period. (Answered)
Describe the political organization of the Somali during pre-colonial period. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:17:39 am
19.   Give reasons for the migration of the cushites into Kenya before 1800. (Answered)
Give reasons for the migration of the cushites into Kenya before 1800. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:16:25 am
20.   Identify the parastatal which is in charge of tax collection in Kenya. (Answered)
Identify the parastatal which is in charge of tax collection in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:15:22 am
21.   Identify the chief executive officer at the county government. (Answered)
Identify the chief executive officer at the county government. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:14:29 am
22.   State two types of government expenditure (Answered)
State two types of government expenditure .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:13:43 am
23.   Identify main source of national philosophies adopted at independence in Kenya. (Answered)
Identify main source of national philosophies adopted at independence in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:13:04 am
24.   State two aims of Taita Taveta Hills Association during colonial period. (Answered)
State two aims of Taita Taveta Hills Association during colonial period. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:12:25 am
25.   Identify two political parties which were formed in Kenya between 1960 and 1993. (Answered)
Identify two political parties which were formed in Kenya between 1960 and 1993. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:11:31 am
26.   What is the main disadvantage of using negotiation as a method of conflict resolution? (Answered)
What is the main disadvantage of using negotiation as a method of conflict resolution? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:10:20 am
27.   Give two reasons that may lead to deprivation of freedom of expression to a Kenyan citizen. (Answered)
Give two reasons that may lead to deprivation of freedom of expression to a Kenyan citizen. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:08:40 am
28.   Identify the main negative effect of plantation agriculture during the sultanship of Seyyid Said. (Answered)
Identify the main negative effect of plantation agriculture during the sultanship of Seyyid Said. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 11:07:00 am
29.   Name two trade items which were obtained by the nRomans in the Kenyan coast by 1500AD. (Answered)
Name two trade items which were obtained by the nRomans in the Kenyan coast by 1500AD. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:38:19 am
30.   Identify the most significant aspect of the Nandi social organization. (Answered)
Identify the most significant aspect of the Nandi social organization. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:37:26 am
31.   What was the dispersal area for the Eastern Bantu? (Answered)
What was the dispersal area for the Eastern Bantu? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:36:37 am
32.   Name two pre-historical sites in Kenya where cremated remains of human beings were discovered during the late stone age period. (Answered)
Name two pre-historical sites in Kenya where cremated remains of human beings were discovered during the late stone age period. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:35:55 am
33.   Name one example of the southern cushites who settled in Kenya. (Answered)
Name one example of the southern cushites who settled in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:35:10 am
34.   Which theory explain the origin of the Kenyan communities? (Answered)
Which theory explain the origin of the Kenyan communities? .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:34:15 am
35.   Give two reasons for Akamba participation in the long distance trade in the 19th century. (Answered)
Give two reasons for Akamba participation in the long distance trade in the 19th century. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:33:38 am
36.   Identify two limitations of using archeology as a source of history of Kenya. (Answered)
Identify two limitations of using archeology as a source of history of Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 29, April 2021 10:32:34 am
37.   Define the term mail etiquette as applied in sending e-mail. (Answered)
Define the term mail etiquette as applied in sending e-mail. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 22:01:29 pm
38.   Write the following acronyms in full. i)GSM ii)GPRS (Answered)
Write the following acronyms in full. i)GSM ii)GPRS .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 22:00:29 pm
39.   Give factors to consider when choosing an Internet Service Provider. (Answered)
Give factors to consider when choosing an Internet Service Provider. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:59:40 pm
40.   Outline the role of an Internet Service Provider (ISP). (Answered)
Outline the role of an Internet Service Provider (ISP). .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:58:55 pm
41.   The acronym ARPA is associated with the historical development of the internet. Write it in full (Answered)
The acronym ARPA is associated with the historical development of the internet. Write it in full .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:58:15 pm
42.   Define the term internet. (Answered)
Define the term internet. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:57:36 pm
43.   State two advantages of using wireless transmission media to connect to the internet. (Answered)
State two advantages of using wireless transmission media to connect to the internet. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:54:54 pm
44.   List eight activities that can be carried out on an active webpage. (Answered)
List eight activities that can be carried out on an active webpage. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:53:08 pm
45.   Outline the steps one would follow to download a file from an active webpage. (Answered)
Outline the steps one would follow to download a file from an active webpage. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:52:18 pm
46.   Differentiate betweenWorld Wide Web (WWW) and the internet. (Answered)
Differentiate betweenWorld Wide Web (WWW) and the internet. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:51:31 pm
47.   Mention one reason for deleting mails from the inbox. (Answered)
Mention one reason for deleting mails from the inbox. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:50:45 pm
48.   Differentiate between a webpage and a website. (Answered)
Differentiate between a webpage and a website. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:50:07 pm
49.   State five features of a web browser. (Answered)
State five features of a web browser. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:48:54 pm
50.   State five importance of the internet to the society. (Answered)
State five importance of the internet to the society. .
Posted On:Sun 25, April 2021 21:47:50 pm
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