Introduction to ICT questions and answers:Input Output and Storage Devices

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Total of 3 Questions.

1.   Sensors are one type of input device. For each of the following situations, name a different sensor that could be used. (i) air conditioning in an office building (ii) maintaining correct growing conditions in a greenhouse (iii) detecting an intruder in a building(Answered)
Sensors are one type of input device. For each of the following situations, name a different sensor that could be used. (i) air conditioning in an office building (ii) maintaining correct growing conditions in a greenhouse (iii) detecting an intruder in a building.
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 09:47:45 am
2.   Name the most suitable input or output device for each of the following uses. Give a different device in each case.(Answered)
Name the most suitable input or output device for each of the following uses. Give a different device in each case..
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 09:53:57 am
3.   Most computers use Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports to allow the attachment of devices. Describe two benefits of using USB ports.(Answered)
Most computers use Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports to allow the attachment of devices. Describe two benefits of using USB ports..
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 10:12:14 am
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